11 | the home rehearsal

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AFTER MISSING THE REST of the school week, Chifuyu and Y/n were behind not only on schoolwork, but also on rehearsals - therefore, they had to catch up on both.

''My parents are going to be here the whole day, though,'' Y/n spoke as she drummed her fingers on her desk.

''My mom's going out so we can rehearse here, if you want.'' Chifuyu spoke from the other line.

''Yeah, okay. I'll be over in like an hour, then.''

And just as said, an hour later Y/n showed up at Chifuyu's front door, a small bag containing her script over her shoulder. ''So? What're we practicing?'' Chifuyu said as he let her in.

''We can do the scene I had to practice with Sudou a few days back.'' She took off her shoes and stepped in her slippers, which Chifuyu had prepared for her. ''I still get nightmares about it, honestly.''

Chifuyu laughed at her words, though deep down, he felt jealous and disappointed he'd gotten sick exactly on that day. It was okay, though - he was still the main lead and still the one who had to practice and perform that scene with Y/n.

Sudou can fuck himself because Chifuyu wasn't going to let that role go.

At first, the two practiced a few other scenes, ones they could already do almost flawlessly, just as a warm up. And then, they decided to do the rooftop scene. "Have you memorized the lines?'' Y/n asked as she let her script fall on the couch.

''"Course I have.'' Well, he did try, but he wouldn't be surprised if he ended up forgetting a line or two. Maybe three.

Y/n gave him a side glance. ''I'm somehow doubting you.''

Chifuyu put a hand over his chest dramatically. ''You? Are doubting me? What did I do to deserve this?''

''Remember that one time when you said you're gonna finish the project, but then-''

''I was fifteen then, that doesn't count.''

''You're seventeen now, what's the difference?''

Chifuyu shut up and picked up the remote to play the scene they were going to practice, as they needed the background music. "Okay, you ready?'' Chifuyu asked as he found the minute where the song starts and put the remote down.

''Yeah, sure. We're acting it out as well, right?'' asked Y/n, feeling her cheeks warm up.

''Yeah, yeah,'' Chifuyu said and he stood with his back to the TV. ''Okay, let's started from you saying 'Come here, I'll show you.''

Y/n agreed and stood on his right, the two of them facing the couch awkwardly as they didn't have a rail to stay behind at the moment. ''Alright.''

''One, two, three, go!''

''Come here,'' Y/n said as she laced her fingers with Chifuyu's. His hand felt so warm and nice, completely different than Sudou's. ''I'll show ya.''

''What?'' Chifuyu asked as he let her lead him to behind the couch while laughing. ''We're on the roof.''

Y/n let go of his hand and walked a bit ahead, whilst Chifuyu quickly jumped on the couch to grab the remote to put the music on, then throwing it back down to continue walking after her. At that point, Y/n was laughing at Chifuyu and not because Gabriella was supposed to laugh in the scene.

As Chifuyu approached her with his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants, it was finally time to start singing. ''Take my hand.'' She extended her hand towards Chifuyu, who took it and closed his eyes at the next line. "Take a breath. Pull me close and take one step.''

break a leg (not my heart) | matsuno chifuyu x fem!reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now