9 | the new beginnings

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Y/N, ONCE AGAIN, COULDN'T concentrate in class as she watched the clock tick. There were just a few more minutes until the lunch break and she was getting more anxious by the second. Her fingers drummed on the table quietly and once the clock hit one p.m., she was up and moving along with the school bell.

''I'll see you later, Hina!'' Y/n waved at her friend, who gave her thumbs up in encouragement.

Light wind was blowing when she arrived at the roof, which was thankfully empty. Not many people hung out there, so it was the perfect place for private conversations. She leaned on the wall since she'd arrived earlier than the arranged time and crossed her arms in front of her chest. Her leg was tapping on the ground to the rhythm of Get'cha Head in the Game, as it was stuck in her mind.

The sound of the door opening startled her. She looked at it, seeing the blond arrive on the roof, looking around in confusion. Y/n kicked off the wall and cleared her throat, grabbing his attention. ''Uh, hi.''

''Hi.'' Y/n remained silent after.

"Takemichi told me that . . . Hina told him that you asked her to tell him to come here.'' Chifuyu tucked his hands in his pockets, staring Y/n dead in the eyes. ''Is there . . . a problem?''

Y/n took a breath and finally started speaking. ''I was thinking and I've noticed how much you've been trying to fix things . . .''

Chifuyu's eyes widened at her words. What? Was she going to take him back? Was he dreaming? God, the nightmare was finally over, wasn't it?

''. . . and I wanted to ask if you'd like to be friends again.''

In an instant, Chifuyu's smile dropped. ''Friends?''

Y/n played with her ring - one Chifuyu had given her a year ago, of course - and nodded. ''I know you had different intentions this whole time. But I don't think . . . I can open my heart to you like that again, Chifuyu. Not yet, at least. At the end of the day, you still hurt me. I'm sorry.''

It was understandable. He was the one who got them into this mess, the one who hurt her. She's just trying to protect herself and if he loved her, he had to respect that. If anything, he should be happy she's willing to be friends with him again.

With a heavy heart, Chifuyu nodded. ''Yeah, yeah, I totally get it, yeah. I wanna be friends again.''

Y/n let out a sigh of relief, her hand flying to her chest. ''God, this was scary.''

Chifuyu chuckled, quirking an eyebrow. ''Scary? Why would you be scared of me?''

She shrugged her shoulders. He was right, there was nothing to worry about. He was just Chifuyu, her childhood friend and her boyfriend - ex-boyfriend. Yeah. ''I don't know either. I'm sorry for acting like such a bitch the past few weeks.''

Chifuyu shorted. ''I deserved it, no worries.'' He opened his arms, giving her a small smile. ''Wanna hug it out like when we were kids?''

Y/n laughed, remembering how they would hug after every small fight they had. She accepted it, wrapping her arms around his back tightly.

This was a selfish request and Chifuyu was aware. He simply wanted to feel Y/n's touch again after almost three months. It's been too long since they last hugged or even held hands. He didn't know if they were going to hold hands again or cuddle or do anything they used to do anytime soon, so he had to settle on the hugs for now. For his own sake.

Y/n pulled away quicker than Chifuyu wanted, but he knew he had no choice but to let go. The two stood a few feet apart, now in a semi-awkward silence. Y/n looked at her shoes and Chifuyu looked at the sky, neither of them sure of what to say.

break a leg (not my heart) | matsuno chifuyu x fem!reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now