16 | the opening night

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"WELL, BAJI-SAN, WE gotta run now,'' Chifuyu said after he checked his phone, seeing he had a missed call from Y/n and was slightly running late. ''The show is starting soon and I gotta go get ready.''

Today was opening night. After months of rehearsals and preparations, it was time to present their work on stage. Slowly but surely, he was starting to get jitters.

''Chifuyu, Y/n-chan is texting me to ask where we are, 'cuz you're not answering,'' Mitsuya said as he looked up from his phone - he, along with Hakkai, Draken and Takemichi were all with Chifuyu, waiting for him so they can head to his school.

''I'll call her now.'' The five headed out of the cemetery after bidding Baji a last goodbye for now.

Chifuyu fished his phone out of his pocket and quickly dialed Y/n's number. ''Hello? Y/n?''

''No, Ibuki, that has to go to the left,'' Y/n spoke, though obviously not to Chifuyu. "Yeah, that's better, thanks. Sorry, Fuyu, just wanted to make sure you won't be late?''

He chuckled. ''I won't be, don't worry. We're on our way now.''

''Okay, okay, great. God, it's so hot in here, I think I need my stress relief ball.'' He heard shuffling and voices in the back.

''Are you getting worried about the show?''

"A bit,'' Y/n admitted, her breath ragged. ''Are you nervous? It's your first show.''

''Of course I am,'' Chifuyu admitted. He was now hanging at the back of the group, wanting to talk with Y/n in peace. ''I'm just trying to ignore the nervousness.''

''At least both of us will be up there together,'' Y/n said. ''So, it should be fine, right?''

''Exactly. We're gonna be great.''

''What the fuck?''

Chifuyu looked up, seeing the blinding lights in front of them. Five motorbikes blocked their way, Hanma standing at the front of the gang. Chifuyu's eyebrows furrowed, his eyes locked with Hanma.

''Y/n, I'll see you later, okay?''

''Okay? Chifuyu, is everything okay?''

''Everything's fine. Go back to prepping, yeah?'' Chifuyu ended the call before she could protest.

''Look at that, the ex-Toman members all together. What a sight.''

Chifuyu pocketed his phone.


Now, not only was Y/n panicking over the show being so soon, she was also panicking over whatever was happening with Chifuyu at the moment. He didn't respond to her calls and he was already twenty minutes late - what had happened?

She walked back and forth, wearing her costume and squeezing her stress ball. She's called him six times ever since he ended the call, yet to no avail.

''Okay, Wildcats! Thirty minutes until the curtains are up! Is everyone ready?'' Nakamura-sensei walked backstage along with Akaashi, the teacher wearing a formal suit, which suited her a lot. She looked around, confusion written on her face. ''Where's Matsuno-kun?''

''He's still on the way.'' Y/n gripped her stress ball. ''He ran into some trouble, but he'll be here soon.''

Nakamura-sensei sighed in exasperation. ''Fine. Sudou-kun, just in case Matsuno-kun doesn't show up, be ready to play Troy.''

Sudou cheered as Nakamura-sensei and Akaashi walked away, while Y/n grew even more worried. She excused herself, saying she'll go to the bathroom to wash her face. When she opened the door to leave the back of the stage, however, she was greeted by a sight she hadn't seen since Toman days.

Chifuyu was out of breath, his face bloody and bruised. He was also clutching his side in pain, but at the sight of Y/n, he let out a relieved breath. ''Sorry, I'm late.''

''What the hell happened?!'' Y/n yelled as she pushed his bangs away to inspect a cut that ran above his right eyebrow and a forming bruise under his left eye. ''Are you okay?!''

''Hanma and his goons ambushed us.'' Chifuyu let Y/n wrap his arm around her shoulder and drag him inside. ''I'm fine. You should've seen the other guys.''

Y/n didn't laugh at his joke, but rather brought him inside so she can clean him up. Hina, noticing the situation, quickly followed in the make-up room, closing the door behind herself. ''Holy shit,'' Hina said as she noticed his state. The two girls sat him down on a chair, running around to get cloths to clean him up.

''Are you sure you can play?'' asked Hina as she watched Y/n quickly but gently clean Chifuyu's wounds.

''As I said, I'm fine.'' He winced as Y/n finally reached the cut. ''Can you cover up the bruise, though?''

Hina picked out a make-up brush from her waist bag, pointing it at the blond. ''You can bet on it!'' If she wasn't so worried, Y/n would've laughed at Hina's answer.

Once Chifuyu's face was clean enough, Hina got to work. She managed to cover up the white band aid they'd put over his cut. Hopefully the make-up would hold out until the end of the show.

Hina left after that and Chifuyu stood up to start getting changed. He took off his shirt, revealing a huge bruise on his side. ''Holy shit, Chifuyu, you can't go out like this!'' Y/n exclaimed as she put a hand on her forehead. She was no longer worried about how the show would go - she was more worried weather Chifuyu can even survive the show.

''I'm okay, it doesn't hurt.'' Chifuyu put on Troy's top, then looked at Y/n. ''Can you turn around for a moment?''

Y/n did as told, realizing that out of worry, she hadn't realized she was basically watching as Chifuyu changed in front of her. ''It looks bad, how can it not be painful?''

''I've had worse, I'm used to it.'' Chifuyu quickly put in his shoes. He grabbed Y/n's shoulders and spun her towards himself, giving her a reassuring squeeze. ''Don't worry about me. Just think about how great you're gonna be up there, yeah?''

The two kept eye contact for a few moments before Y/n finally let out a sigh. ''Fine. We're going straight home after the show to treat your wounds, okay?''

Chifuyu nodded and gave her a peck on the lips, then dragged her out of the room.

''Ah, Matsuno-kun, there you are!'' The two turned around to be greeted by Nakamura-sensei, who looked very relieved at the sight of him. ''Okay, we're back on track, guys! Ten minutes until curtain call!''

The stress levels were maxed out at the moment as everyone rushed around to make final preparations. Chifuyu and Y/n walked to the corner of the curtain, looking at the audience - they immediately spotted Y/n's parents and the bloody and bruised ex-Toman members, but there were no sight of Chifuyu's mother.

He'd expected that. She told him she can't come, so he shouldn't have had any hope anyway.

Y/n noticed how his face fell and she squeezed his hand. ''My parents are recording everything and you can show her later, yeah?'' That didn't make him feel much better, but he nodded anyway. He was glad she was at least trying.

''Okay, everyone, in positions! We're starting in five!'' Akaashi called out to the cast.

Chifuyu backed away from the curtain as he had to go to the other side. Before he left, however, he gave Y/n another kiss on the cheek. ''Break a leg out there, pretty.''

Y/n gave him a smile. ''You too. Not literally, though, please.''

Chifuyu chuckled at her remark and backed away, rushing to get to the other side of the curtain. He and Y/n stood across from each other, waiting for the call to start. Y/n, noticing him, pointed to her side, asking if he was okay. He gave her thumbs up, even though he could feel the ache in both his side and his face. It was okay, though. He can endure it.

And then, the curtain rose up.

break a leg (not my heart) | matsuno chifuyu x fem!reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now