7 | the script

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Y/N DIDN'T PLUCK THE courage to approach Chifuyu the next day. Not when she saw him in the hallways during the day and not during rehearsals. She's been a bitch to him for the past month and a half, so she couldn't approach him that easily, could she?

''Just talk to him, Y/n,'' Hina encouraged her friend, noticing Y/n had been staring at Chifuyu the whole time while he was dancing to Get'cha Head in the Game along with other students. After only a week, he really did manage to learn the dance almost perfectly.

''It's not that easy,'' Y/n said, not tearing her eyes away from him.

''It literally is.'' Hina rolled her eyes. ''You just have to step on your legs, do that thing called walking, go to him and say 'How are you feeling?'''

''Ha ha, very funny.''

The song ended and Nakamura-sensei praised the dancers, pointing out how well Chifuyu had done today. Then, she turned towards the whole club. ''Listen up, everyone! Tomorrow, we're going to do script reading, so meet me in room 223 on the second floor at the usual time. Please, bring your scripts! Akaashi-kun, if you could arrive ten minutes earlier, you'd be a sweetheart. That's all, have a nice evening, Wildcats!''

Y/n found it funny how Nakamura-sensei called the students Wildcats. She jumped down from the bench she was sitting, Hina following along.

''Hey, I have to go, Takemichi-kun is waiting for me outside. I'll see you tomorrow!'' Hina didn't wait for a response as she dashed away. She must've really been in a rush, Y/n concluded.

The gym emptied pretty quickly and soon enough, only Y/n and Chifuyu were left inside. Y/ held her hands behind her back as she watched the last person walk out of the gym door, turning to look at Chifuyu, who was still messing around with a basketball.

She hesitated before she finally spoke. ''Aren't you going to leave?''

Chifuyu jumped slightly, as if he didn't expect anyone else to be here. He faced her, holding the ball in his hands. ''Not yet, no. I was planning to practice a bit, I keep dropping the ball and all.''

Y/n nodded in understanding. ''I see, I see.''

Chifuyu, too, hesitated before he spoke. ''. . . Aren't you gonna leave?''

Y/n watched him for a moment before she realized that she probably should leave. ''I, uh, yeah. I'm going right now, yeah. Just need to get my bag and all.'' She approached the table that currently only held Y/n's and Chifuyu's backpacks, her eyebrows furrowing at the sight of her backpack. ''Why's my bag open?''

Chifuyu walked up behind her, checking the situation as well. ''Open?''

''I left it here closed, why's it open?'' Y/n said as she opened it wider, rummaging around to check if there was something missing.

''Are you sure you left it zipped up?''

''Of course I'm sure, why would I leave it here open?'' Y/n asked the obvious, finally realizing what was missing and stiffening. ''My script is missing.''

''Your script?''

"The book with my lines, it's gone!''

Chifuyu looked around, trying to spot something that could be Y/n's missing script. ''How would we know if it's yours?''

Y/n kneeled, checking under the table, yet there was nothing. ''I wrote my name on top of it with bold letters. God, where did it go?''

''I'll help you look for it,'' Chifuyu put his ball down and started looking through the room with Y/n.

As the two were looking in silence for a few minutes, Y/n remembered what had happened earlier today. Looking back at Chifuyu, she could only see his back as he shuffled through a box for reasons unknown. Taking in a breath, she spoke. ''Chifuyu . . . Are you feeling alright?''

Chifuyu looked up in confusion. ''Huh? I'm fine, why?''

Had he forgotten already? Did he think it was a dream? ''Yesterday, when you called and all . . .''

"Oh. Oh, yeah, I'm all good now. Don't worry,'' Chifuyu flashed her a small smile and for a moment, it felt like everything was okay, even though Y/n's script was missing. ''Thanks for checking up on me. Now, let's find that script of yours, yeah? Can't have 0ur Gabriella not know her lines.''

After looking through every single corner of the gym, the script was not to be found. Just in case, they'd went to check in the principal office, but they didn't have it either. Forty minutes later and the two were standing in front of the school, sitting on a bench. Y/n held her head, unsure of what to do.

''I was careful with it, how did it disappear?'' she questioned as she stared at her feet. ''Nakamura-sensei is going to be so mad tomorrow.''

Chifuyu pursed his lips, thinking. It was very suspicious that they found Y/n's bag open. It could only mean one thing. ''What if someone stole it?''

Y/n looked at him, eyebrows furrowed. ''Stole it? Who would steal lines for a musical?''

He shrugged. ''I don't know. Someone who wants to sabotage you, maybe?''

Sabotage. Sabotage the main lead? Who would want that?


''It was Karuizawa-san, wasn't it?'' Y/n thought out-loud. ''She's the Gabriella runner-up. If Nakamura-sensei found me incompetent, Gabriella's hers. I knew Karuizawa-san can play dirty, but to steal?''

Chifuyu took his phone out, scrolling through his contacts. ''I can get her number somehow and we can confront her. It's gonna be quick.''

Y/n shook her head. ''No, we can't confront her with no proof. There's still a chance it wasn't even her. Hell, there's still a chance I was just careless and I lost it somewhere.''

Closing his phone, Chifuyu put it back in his pocket. Looking at his backpack that was next to him. He zipped it open and brought his own script out, handing it over to Y/n. ''Take mine, then. You need it more than me.''

She looked at him, immediately shaking her head. ''You're also a lead, Chifuyu. I can't just take your script.''

''You need it more than me,'' Chifuyu kept pressing. ''I can risk getting kicked off the main lead, you can't.'' Sure, it would hurt not being able to play with Y/n and have t0 loose all the progress he'd made so far, but better him than her.

Standing up, Y/n gripped the strap of her backpack. ''No, Chifuyu. I'll figure something out until tomorrow. Hopefully she'll excuse me . . . Thank you, though.''

''Are you sure?'' Chifuyu held out the script in her direction again, but she gave him a small smile and shook her head.

''I'm sure. I'm going home now, I'm already late enough,'' Y/n said, checking the time on her phone. ''I'll see you tomorrow at rehearsal, yeah?''

Chifuyu watched as she started walking backwards, nodding his head. ''Yeah, see you tomorrow.''

He couldn't move from the bench as he watched her walk until she rounded a corner. He hit his head with his script lightly before he stood up and shoved the papers in his bag, starting his trek home as well.

Tomorrow, he had to help her like she'd helped him today.

break a leg (not my heart) | matsuno chifuyu x fem!reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now