4 | the auditions

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APRIL 21ST COULDN'T HAVE come slower, in Y/n's opinion. It felt like the two weeks between the beginning of the new school year and the date of the auditions had dragged on for two months instead. On that particular day, though, Y/n couldn't wait for Biology class to end so she can sprint to the gym, get changed and then panic in peace.

She wondered what kind of people were going to audition. She was sure Karuizawa was going to audition for Gabriella, that much was obvious, but Y/n believed she could get the role from the third-year. Naganohara was probably going to go for Taylor - Y/n wouldn't mind working with her. Ibuki was probably going to be Sharpay, she could already see it.

She wondered who was going to play Troy.

The bell rang and Y/n grabbed Hina's hand, dragging her off towards the gym. When the two were there and changed, Y/n's panic was starting to settle. She was walking around in circles and squeezing her stress-ball lucky charm - one Chifuyu had given her long ago, but she preferred to ignore that fact right now.

Then again, usually the one to calm her down before auditions was always Chifuyu. He's been doing that since her audition in second grade as a fairy in a small play held in their elementary school. That's when he'd given her that ball.

She shook her head. No. Now wasn't he time to think about Chifuyu 0r anyone else. She had to think for herself and how she was going to get the role of Gabriella, no matter what.

Chifuyu wasn't going to ruin that for her.

"Y/n, we gotta go to the stage,'' Hina called, noticing everyone else heading here as well.

At the words, Y/n stopped moving and slapped both of her cheeks to calm herself down. ''Fuck, okay, I can do it. I can do it. I can do it, right Hina?''

Hina nodded. ''You can do it.''

''I can do it.'' Y/n nodded as well, pointing towards the door. ''Let's go, Hina.''

It took a moment before Hina spoke. ''You know, you have to actually move your feet to get to the stage.'' She didn't wait for a response as she grabbed Y/n's arm and dragged her towards the stage.

Y/n wasn't sure why she was so nervous. Maybe because it was the first time she was at an audition alone. She technically wasn't, though; Hina was here and she was just as good company as Chifuyu had been. If anything, she was better company than him.

That was a lie, of course, but Y/n was trying her very best to convince herself at that moment.

"Welcome, welcome, fellow aspiring actors!'' Nakamura-sensei walked on the stage, a clipboard in her hand. A second-year she recognized was in the other class was standing next to her, holding a clipboard as well. ''I'm Nakamura-sensei, as you might already know. This here is my assistant, Akaashi-kun, from class 2-3. You might know him.''

Nakamura-sensei clicked her pen and looked at her clipboard, checking the list that had been hanging in the hallway for the past two weeks. ''Alright, we'll start off with the Gabriellas. First one on the list is . . . L/n Y/n! Is L/n Y/n here?''

Fuck, she was first? She didn't think the order of the list mattered, did she play herself? Oh God, oh shit.

''That's, um, me.'' Y/n raised her hand and stood up, walking to the front. Nakamura-sensei and Akaashi had sat down at a judge table in front of her, giving her warm, non-judging smiles. ''I want to sing 'Breaking Free', Gabriella's solo version. Thank you.''

The pianist, another classmate Y/n recognized, nodded and flipped some pages before giving her a thumbs up. Y/n nodded and took a deep breath as the piano started.

break a leg (not my heart) | matsuno chifuyu x fem!reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now