13 | the demand

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CHIFUYU'S PEN STOPPED MOVING when Takemichi asked something he didn't expect. 

''Did you sing Y/n the song already? You guys seemed close these past few days, did you get back together and not tell me anything?''

Chifuyu stared at Takemichi at his words. "No, not yet.''

''You haven't? Why?''

Why? Maybe because he still wasn't sure. What if Takemichi had only told Chifuyu about Y/n's feelings as a push for him to do something and she never actually said anything? Or what if Y/n get's weirded out and still doesn't want him back? There were a lot of things that could go wrong and Chifuyu wasn't sure if he wanted to take the risk.

''I don't know.'' That was the easiest way to avoid the situation. ''I just don't wanna ruin what we have again. Is it really worth the risk?''

Takemichi watched him as if he was a dumbass. Wasn't he the one whining that he wanted her back for the past three months? How did he manage to change his mind in the course of three days?

Takemichi's eyes lit up, an idea coming to mind. If Chifuyu knew what he was about to do, he was definitely going to beat him up, but he had to help his friend out right now.

''Can I at least hear the song?'' asked Takemichi, holding his phone in his pocket and clicking a few buttons.

Chifuyu furrowed his eyebrows. ''Right now? Weren't we gonna do homework?''

''When have we ever actually done homework together? Y/n and Hina aren't here, we're hopeless.''

''. . . Right.''

Chifuyu stood up from the ground to get his guitar. In the meantime, Takemichi made sure he has the right app open before he left his phone on the table and spinning his pen with his fingers, failing miserably at it.

Sitting back down, Chifuyu strummed the guitar strings for a moment before he looked up at Takemichi. ''You're gonna make fun of me.''

''I'm not!'' Takemichi exclaimed, putting his hands up to show he had no bad intentions. Well, he did have intentions, but he wouldn't necessarily call them bad.

Chifuyu sighed. ''Fine.''

Takemichi's emotions started acting up during the song, his eyes tearing at how heartfelt it was. Once Chifuyu ended, he gripped his guitar, not daring look up for a moment. He wished to play it for Y/n, but he knew she was probably never going to hear it.

Why did he have to chicken out now?

Hiccups filled the room and Chifuyu looked up in confusion. ''Hey, dude, why're you crying?'' Chifuyu asked in panic, wondering what happened to his friend.

''It was just so beautiful,'' Takemichi said as he wiped his tears away with his hands, picking up his phone and standing up, pressing a button without Chifuyu seeing him. ''I have to go now, but I still think you should play it for Y/n.''

''Go? Go where, weren't we meeting with Draken and the others after?'' asked Chifuyu as he watched his friend backing out of the room.

''Yeah, sorry, I gotta cancel on that! I have to, uh, feed the cats! Yeah!''

''The cats? What cats?''

break a leg (not my heart) | matsuno chifuyu x fem!reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now