17 | the second act

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"You're a singer, right?''

''Just church choir, is all.''

''Unless you speak cheerleader, as in, oh my gosh, isn't Troy Bolton just a hottie super-bomb?''

''You know I've been behind on homework since pre-school.''

''That's hilarious.''

''We'll take a fifteen minute break before the second act.'' With those words the curtain closed and the crowd started getting up to stretch or buy a drink.

Chifuyu and Y/n met behind the stage, hugging each other, feeling pure adrenaline after the end of the first act. ''This was so scary!'' Chifuyu explained. ''I feel like I'm gonna throw up, but in a good way!''

''I know, right? You were doing great out there!'' Y/n praised him. She put her hand on his left cheek, momentarily forgetting about his injuries. Chifuyu winced and she quickly withdrew it. ''Shit, sorry. How bad does it hurt?''

''I told you not to worry, didn't I?'' Chifuyu reminded her. ''I'm managing, so you just focus on your amazing performance.''

''Matsuno-kun! We gotta put your harness on, come on!'' Akaashi waved him over and Chifuyu nodded.

''Be there in a sec!'' Chifuyu said and gave Y/n's hand a squeeze before he rushed off.

As Y/n watched him go, there was a sudden weight on her back, causing her to scream and almost fall on the ground. ''Hina?!''

''You were so great out there!'' Hina praised her friend, getting off her back and hugging her properly. ''Ah, Chifuyu and you are such a great duo on the stage!''

Y/n laughed. ''Thanks.''

''How's he holding up, though?'' Hina asked, lowering her voice. ''With the injuries and all.''

''He says he's fine, but I'm pretty sure he's lying to me so I won't worry, which makes me even more worried.'' Y/n sighed. ''He promised he'll go home after so I can treat his injures.''

''Aw, so you're not coming to the celebration after?'' asked Hina in disappointment.

Y/n shook her head. ''No, sorry. I don't know how much longer he can hold on.''

''I mean, he did say he's had worse. He'll be fine.'' Y/n knew Hina was probably right, but that didn't stop her from worrying.

''I'm back!'' Chifuyu announced, lifting up his shirt to show the harness around his body that was going to lift him in the air. ''It kinda stings since it's pressed against the bruise, but it'll be fine.''

"Alright, you two, I gotta go fix Ibuki's make-up for the second act, I'll see you later!'' Hina walked away, leaving the two alone once again.

''You know, I'm getting kind of nervous now,'' Chifuyu suddenly said, playing with the belts of his harness.

''Scared?'' Y/n asked in confusion.

''About the lifting up and everything,'' Chifuyu admitted. ''But it's gonna be quick, right?''

Y/n nodded. ''Exactly. It's gonna be just like during rehearsals, safe and quick. Don't think too much about it, yeah?''

Chifuyu nodded. ''Yeah. I'll try.''

''Okay, everyone, we'll be back in five! Get ready!''

Y/n and Chifuyu looked at each other, then fist-pumped for good luck. ''You'll do great out there. Don't be scared, you're Matsuno Chifuyu! Ex-Second Division Vice Captain! You can do it!''

break a leg (not my heart) | matsuno chifuyu x fem!reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now