14 | the disappointment

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Y/N SUNG WE'RE ALL In This Together quietly as she brushed her hair in front of her mirror. Her phone buzzed on her bed and she quickly turned around, reading the contact name. She threw her brush on her desk, deciding she'd pick it up later, and rushed out of the house.

"Morning!'' Chifuyu looked up from his phone, a smile breaking on his face as Y/n left her building. She approached him and grabbed his hand in hers, pressing a kiss on his cheek to add to the greeting.

''Morning, pretty,'' Chifuyu said, lacing their fingers together. ''You were gonna make us late, what were you doing?'' Chifuyu said as the two started walking towards the school, hand in hand.

''Lost track of time, sorry,'' Y/n said, rubbing the back of her neck.

''Don't worry.'' Chifuyu nudged her hip with his own teasingly. ''You have your amazing handsome boyfriend to call you to remind you he was waiting for you.''

''Yeah, yeah, shut up.''

Takemichi and Hina walked behind the couple, snorting at their behavior. ''They're even worse than us, aren't they?''

''Yeah, I mean, look at them. I can't even imagine how lunch is gonna be like.'' Hina joked, though she was still happy. Them being sappy at lunch was better than them avoiding each other like the plague.

''Can you believe how soon the show is?" asked Y/n, swinging their hands together back and forth childishly.

''Yeah, it's so weird. Like, I can't believe it's been over three months already,'' Chifuyu agreed.

"The show's gonna be so great. My parents are so excited too, they can't wait to see both of us on stage!''

"Oh.'' Chifuyu suddenly realized. ''I haven't invited my mom yet. Remind me to talk to her after school.''

''Of course.'' Y/n nodded, making a mental note to remind him later. ''We're still going to your house after school, right?''

''Yeah. Peke J's been missing you, too, he's been meowing like crazy these past few days,'' Chifuyu said and Y/n laughed. With her peripheral vision, she noticed two figured walking behind them and stopped in her tracks.

''Hina? Takemichi? When did you guys come?''

''We've been here the whole time, Y/n-chan.'' Takemichi laughed awkwardly, scratching the side of his head.

''Yeah, you were just too lovestruck to notice.''



Nakamura-sensei gripped her clipboard as she watched her two main leads dance around to Start of Something New, smiling at each other. Everyone in the room can feel the sudden mood change since the week before - something had happened between the two, something good.

''Any news, Akaashi-kun?'' Nakamura-sensei leaned closer to the second-year and whispered.

''I asked Hina-chan earlier,'' Akaashi leaned closer to her as well. ''Apparently they finally made up and are back together.''

Just as Akaashi spoke, the song ended and Nakamura-sensei couldn't help but get up and applaud the two. ''Fantastic! This show will be spectacular, Wildcats!''

The rest of the students clapped for Troy and Gabriella, each and every one of them excited due to how close the show was.

Oh, how much she loved theater.


As promised, after school the two headed back to Chifuyu's house. In theory, they were supposed to do homework and finally start studying about the upcoming mid-therms. On practice, they were probably not going to do that.

''Okay, okay, but what if we go for a ride with my bike?'' suggested Chifuyu. Y/n loved riding his motorcycle and she hasn't in a while, so there was no way she'd disagree, right?

''We have homework, Fuyu.''

Chifuyu groaned, yet another failed attempt to convince her to do anything but homework. He gave up at the end, taking out his keys and unlocking the door, letting Y/n enter first.

Surprisingly, once the two entered, he heard the tapping of keys. He quirked an eyebrow and walked further into the house - after switching his shoes for slippers - and noticed his mother at the dining table, typing away on her work laptop.

''Mom? What're you doing here?'' asked Chifuyu. She usually worked until late, so it was surprising to see her at home at that time.

His mother looked up from her screen, though her fingers continued typing. ''Oh, Chifuyu, Y/n, welcome home!'' Y/n waved at the greeting, standing next to Chifuyu and holding her backpack's strap. ''There was a flooding at the office, so everyone got sent home. I still have some work to do, though.''

Chifuyu nodded in understanding before Y/n nudged him to the side. ''Didn't you have something to ask her?''

It took him a moment, but then he remembered. ''Oh, Mom! So, you know how Y/n and I are in the school musical, right?''

His mother stopped, suddenly intrigued. ''Yes? What about it?''

''Well, we finally got the date and everything and I wanted to ask if you can come.'' Chifuyu had a grin on his face as he handed his mother the paper with all the details about the show, including the opening night date.

His mother scanned the paper, though once she reached the date, her grin fell. "I'm sorry, sweetie,'' she started, causing Chifuyu's smile to drop as well. ''I have a meeting with our foreign colleagues on that evening. It's very important, I can't miss it.''

Chifuyu understood. Ever since his father passed away, his mother had worked hard to be able to support the two of them. And it was okay that she had to miss an event or two. And since she worked so hard, he understood.

That didn't mean he wasn't disappointed.

''It's fine.'' Chifuyu nodded, taking the paper back from his mother and backing away. He turned to Y/n, a half-hearted smile on his lips. ''C'mon, we have homework to do, right?''


''It's fine, Mom.'' Chifuyu cut her off, shaking his head. ''I understand. We'll come help with dinner after we're done with the homework.''

Y/n walked silently after him, holding his hand as some sort of reassurance. Only once in the security of his room did she dare speak. ''Fuyu-''

''I don't wanna talk about it, Y/n,'' Chifuyu said, sitting on his bed and dropping his bag on the ground. ''It's always been like this and it's okay. You know it. There's nothing to talk about.''

She dropped her bag on the ground and sat next to him, wrapping her arms around him in a side hug, laying her head on his shoulder. He laid his own head on hers, slightly jumping when Peke J suddenly jumped on his lap, looking at his owner as if in worry.

''Thanks, Y/n.'' Peke J meowed, as if he, too, deserved credit. ''You too, Peke.''

''Okay, today's a happy day, right? You got full points on your test and you did amazing at rehearsals,'' Y/n suddenly announced, standing up in front of him. ''So, instead of doing homework immediately, let's go do something fun, yeah? Didn't you wanna go for a ride?''

Chifuyu was still feeling rather down after his talk with his mother, but he was glad Y/n was there to make him feel better. ''Yeah.''

''Okay, great. Let me change and we can go,'' Y/n said as she picked some clothes from Chifuyu's wardrobe and start heading towards the bathroom. Before she left the room, however, she turned back to Chifuyu. ''But only for an hour or two, because I really need to do my homework.''

Chifuyu laughed and nodded. Ah, how good it was to have her back.

break a leg (not my heart) | matsuno chifuyu x fem!reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now