10 | the healthcare

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Y/N CLAPPED AS CHIFUYU finished his dance to Get'cha Head in the Game after finally learning to do it more or less flawless. The two were the only ones still in the gym, since they'd stayed behind to rehearse a bit more before going home.

''Finally, this took so long to learn,'' Chifuyu said as he sat on a mat to take a breath. ''Just gotta keep practicing until opening night.''

Y/n nodded. ''Yeah. It feels so far but so soon at the same time.'' Chifuyu nodded in agreement and the two decided to leave for the day.

After deciding to ignore Chifuyu's comment from a few days ago, the two were back on speaking therms again. Y/n was still confused, but she decided to simply pretend he never said anything and avoid the situation as long as she could. That sounded like a solid plan to her.

"It's getting late,'' Chifuyu said after having checked his phone. ''Let's head home, yeah?''

Y/n agreed and the two left the gym together. Once in the hallway, however, they finally had access to windows and were able to see the situation outside. Rain was pouring down heavily and the sky was gray. There were multiple piddles outside and Y/n felt shivers run down her spine, already imagining the cold.

''Shit,'' Chifuyu said as he neared the window. ''I don't have an umbrella.''

Y/n groaned. ''I don't have mine, either. My mom said the weather's gonna be nice today. I feel very played right now.'' Chifuyu chuckled at her words.

The two stood in front of the school, unsure of what to do. ''Should we wait it out?'' asked Y/n, looking at Chifuyu.

''It doesn't seem like it's gonna stop anytime soon.'' Chifuyu stuck his hand out and the rain drenched it in mere seconds. He withdrew it and wiped it off his pants. ''Our only option is to run home. We don't live that far, anyway.''

Y/n agreed, knowing they didn't have much of a choice. She patted her hair, knowing how drenched it was going to be. She'd just washed it yesterday, which was a shame, since she'd have to wash it again today.

''Fine, let's go,'' Y/n said but before she could step in the rain, Chifuyu pulled her back.

''Wait a second.'' Chifuyu shrugged his jacket off, holding it above his and Y/n's heads as at least some kind of protection from the rain. ''Alright, let's go.''

''You'll get sick, dumbass!'' Y/n scolded him as Chifuyu pulled her out in the rain. She could already feel her socks getting wet.

''I won't if we go quicker! The faster we run, the faster we're home!'' Chifuyu yelled over the loud rain, even though he was close to Y/n and she could hear him perfectly fine.

Y/n wanted to kick him for being an idiot, like he always was, but she simply grabbed his arm and pulled him to run quicker. They had to take a few breaks from running due to Y/n having less stamina than Chifuyu - acquired by running after and from other gangs - but soon enough, they were at the entrance of Y/n's apartment building, drenched from head to toe.

''Phew, we made it,'' Chifuyu said as he let his wet jacket fall on his wet hair. He watched Y/n as she fumbled to take out her keys. Her hair was sticking to her face and she was still breathing rather heavily because of all the running, but she looked as pretty as always to Chifuyu.

As much as he tried, he couldn't respect her wishes to think of her as only a friend. And he was pretty sure she was aware of that, too.

Y/n looked at him after unlocking her door, eyebrows furrowed. ''Why're you still here? Go home and take a warm shower or something, you'll get sick!''

Chifuyu, suddenly feeling the chill in his bones, nodded. ''Ah, yeah, I forgot.'' He started backing out of her porch, giving a wave. ''See you tomorrow!''

break a leg (not my heart) | matsuno chifuyu x fem!reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now