8 | the blame

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CONCENTRATION DIDN'T SEEM TO want to grace Y/n the next day. Though, she could blame that on her missing script. After looking through her whole house and going to check at the secretary again in the morning, there was still no sight of it. The more she looked, the more she started to believe someone - Karuizawa - might've stolen it.

She still didn't have any proof, though.

''Won't Nakamura-sensei give you a new script, though?'' Hina asked as she walked alongside her friend towards the classroom where the script reading would be held. "Like, she must have some spare ones, right?''

''I don't know, probably. It seems unprofessional for the lead actor to loose their script, though, doesn't it?'' Y/n asked. This was going to be her first strike with Nakamura-sensei, so it'll probably be okay, right?

Hina and Y/n walked in the classroom. Desks were lined up at the walls and the chairs were put in a circle, each of them having a nameplate of a character from the musical. She noticed that Troy and Gabriella were put next to each other; obviously, since they were the main characters. If Y/n from a few days ago had seen the placement, she probably would've demanded a change in the seating. The Y/n from today, however, didn't mind that much.

Her leg couldn't stop bouncing as more students started to pour in and take their seats. It took ten minutes before the cast was complete. "Ah, this is exciting, isn't it, Wildcats? Now, let's get to reading!''

Everyone started taking out their scripts and Y/n looked around nervously. She slowly started raising her hand. ''Uh, Na-''

A kick to her ankle cut her off and she looked at Chifuyu, who was sitting next to her. He pointed towards her bag, where a folder was sticking out - High School Musical: The Musical: The Script printed on top, the name Matsuno Chifuyu written in small letters on top.

Y/n looked at Chifuy, giving him a look and mouthing a what the hell are you doing?

Chifuyu mouted back a just take it and raised his hand. ''Yes, Matsuno-kun?''

''I'm sorry, Nakamura-sense, I forgot my script at home.''

Nakamura-sensei sighed in exasperation. ''I specifically told you yesterday, Matsuno-kun.''

''I know. I'm sorry, Sensei.''

"Just share with someone for today. L/n-chan, you can share with Matsuno-kun, right?'' she noticed the lack of script in Y/n's hands. ''Or did you forget your script, too?''

Y/n was too stunned to speak. Chifuyu had to kick her again to shake her out of her trance. ''I, uh, no. It's here, right here, sorry.''

''Okay, good. Please be more responsible next time, Matsuno-kun.'' Nakamura-sensei said, writing down something on her clipboard. Most likely about Chifuyu's irresponsibility.

Y/n took out Chifuyu's script, showing the back of it to the teacher then opening it at random. She moved her chair closer to Chifuyu and let him hold one side of the book.

Nakamura-sensei told them which page to open to; the scene where they realize the call-backs for the musical happened to be at the same time as Troy's game and Gabriella's decathlon.

There were a lot of characters in that scene, so a lot of people got to talk. It was confusing at first, using Chifuyu's script. He had highlighted his lines, so she almost ended up talking for Troy one too many times.

After rehearsing a few scenes, Nakamura-sensei seemed content. ''Okay, that was great, everyone! We actually moved better with the schedule than I thought. Since we have a bit of time left, let's take a five, yeah?''

break a leg (not my heart) | matsuno chifuyu x fem!reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now