15 | the poster

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Y/N WATCHED AS HINA walked around Chifuyu, inspecting the white tracksuit she and Chihiro had made to look like the one Troy wore in High School Musical. Today was picture day, meaning it was also going to be the first time they're wearing their costumes, and Y/n was nothing less than excited.

Though, weather it was because she got to wear her own costume or she got to see Chifuyu imitating Zack Efron was a different topic.

''So? How does it look?'' Chifuyu said once Hina finished the final inspection, spinning around in front of the two girls. There was a brown wig on his head as well, though it didn't fit him very much.

''It's great! I'm not a stylist or anything, but . . .'' She walked up to Chifuyu and took the wig off, freeing his blond bangs from the hairpin that held them back. ''I feel like he should go without the wig for this one.''

Hina held her chin, as if thinking. ''Yeah, it's better without the wig. Though, Chifuyu, how do you feel about dyeing your hair brown?''

In horror, Chifuyu's hands flew up to his hair. ''No, are you crazy? Do you know how much I suffered trying to get to this color?''

Y/n snorted at how dramatic he was being, running her hand through his soft hair and looking at Hina. ''We should let him be, the first time he bleached it his hair felt and looked like wheat.''

''We weren't supposed to speak about this, Y/n!''

The two girls nodded and Hina turned around, picking out Gabriella's red dress for the end of the play from the clothing rack. ''Here, you go put this on so I can check if we have to change something.''

Y/n nodded and rushed off to a room they'd been using as a changing room. While waiting, Hina once again inspected Chifuyu's tracksuit, just in case she missed something the first seven times she checked.

''I'm telling you, it's all good,'' said Chifuyu, trying to get Hina to calm down.

''Fine, fine,'' Hina said and finally backed away, putting her pencil back in her bun. ''Now you just have to try the jersey and the regular clothes.''

''The dress is so pretty!''

Both Hina and Chifuyu turned towards the sound, seeing Y/n twirl twice with the red dress. Chifuyu gulped at the sight, feeling his neck and ears warm up.

God help him.


''Okay, you guys ready?'' Akaashi spoke as he held a camera in his hands, aimed at the six main characters standing in front of him. Each of them now wore more regular clothes for the photo shoot for the poster, standing in line so they can jump.

A chorus of 'yes' or 'yup's followed and Akaashi nodded. ''Okay. One . . . two . . . three!''

Sharpay and Ryan's actors jumped at two, Chifuyu was left on the ground three seconds after the others. Y/n didn't jump high enough and Sudou, who played Chad, jumped too high. Ibuki, who played Taylor, was the only one who succeeded.

Akaashi stood in front of his club mates, his mouth practically hanging in disbelief. ''What the hell was that?'' That was the first time any of them had heard Akaashi swear, so he must be really disappointed.

''Are we jumping after three or on three?'' Miya, Ryan's actor, asked as he looked at the others in confusion.

''I forgot to jump, sorry,'' Chifuyu said, followed by Y/n's laugh.

''Why're you guys jumping so low?'' asked Sudou, as if he was the only one who didn't do a mistake.

Akaashi sighed in exasperation, realizing this was going to take longer than he'd anticipated. ''Let's try again. You jump on three. One . . . two . . . three!''

The camera clicked, yet for another fail. This time, Y/n was he one who forgot to jump, which caused Chifuyu to laugh. She punched him in the shoulder lightly, causing him to shut up. Ibuki was once again perfect, but Sudou had jumped even higher than before, if possible. Sharpay and Ryan were, once again, too early.

Akaashi looked at the picture in his camera and couldn't help but facepalm.

He pointed the camera at them again. ''Okay, let's try another one.''

It was going to be a long day for the assistant.


''My legs hurt.''

''C'mon, we're almost there.''

After rehearsals ended and due to the weather being nice, Chifuyu suggested to go get ice cream, so here they were now, walking to the closest parlor. After too many jumps for the poster picture, however, Y/n had started feeling very tired.

''We're here,'' Chifuyu dragged her to the open parlor, standing in front of the numerous ice creams. The two got what they wanted and made their way to the nearby park, finally getting to sit down.

''Ah, finally,'' Y/n said as her legs got to rest and she took a scoop of her ice cream.

''Are you still down to hang out with Draken and the others?'' asked Chifuyu - they had plans to hang out with some of the old Toman members, since they haven't had the chance to in a while.

''Yeah, of course.'' Y/n nodded. ''Gotta thank Mitsuya-kun for helping Hina with the costumes.''

''Mitsuya helped?''

''Yeah, that's why they turned out so accurate,'' Y/n said, then realized. ''No offense to Hina.''

Chifuyu chuckled and took a scoop of his own ice-cream, then proceeded to take another one from Y/n's. ''Hey!'' Y/n said, taking a scoop from Chifuyu's ice-cream in return. As she licked her spoon, her eyes moved from Chifuyu's to a figure standing behind at a distance behind him.

The blond streak in his bangs was a giveaway of his identity.

''Fuyu,'' Y/n said suddenly, Chifuyu growing concerned at her tone. ''Why's Hanma Shuji staring at us like that?''

Chifuyu's eyebrows furrowed and he looked back, seeing Hanma as well. He hadn't seen the older boy in a long time - what was he suddenly doing here? ''No idea, but it can't be good.'' The two kept the eye contact until Hanma finally broke it, walking away. There was a weird feeling at the pit of Chifuyu's stomach. Toman was no more - so what did Hanma want now?

''That was weird,'' Y/n commented, standing up from the bench. ''Let's just go somewhere else. I got the chills.''

Chifuyu agreed and got up as well, taking her hand and looking around, making sure Hanma or anyone else wasn't there. When he was certain it was clear, he led Y/n away from the park and towards his house, which was closer.

He stayed quiet on the way, suddenly worried. Hanma had found out about Y/n back when Toman was still a thing - could it be he wanted something from her? Or was he only targeting Chifuyu? Was he even targeting anyone? Was there a gang out there that was out for the ex-Toman members?

''Fuyu.'' He looked down at her at the call. ''I'm sure it was nothing. Toman disbanded years ago, he shouldn't have anything to want from you, right? It's okay.''

Chifuyu nodded even though he wasn't convinced. He didn't want to worry her. ''You're probably right.''

There was a meow and the two looked down, seething a stray looking up at them. It was bold of the cat to approach them. A little further, Y/n noticed three kittens hiding behind a trash can. It seemed like the lone cat was sent out on a mission, of sorts.

Chifuyu immediately forgot about the possible threat at the sight of the cat. ''Hey, kitty, kitty.'' He crouched in front of the cat, opening his bag and taking out a plastic package of cat food - one he almost always carried around with himself just in case. Y/n crouched down next to him, cupping her hands so Chifuyu can spill some of the food there for the cats.

Once the first cat started eating, the other three dared to approach. The two teenagers fed the cats despite the weird looks adults were giving them as they passed by.

Chifuyu thought that his life was going suspiciously well, but who was he to complain?

break a leg (not my heart) | matsuno chifuyu x fem!reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now