5 | the rehearsal

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Y/N WASN'T SURE WHAT to think anymore.

On one side, she was ecstatic. She got the main role! She's going to be Gabriella, the star of the show!

Chifuyu also got the main role. He was going to be Troy. Gabriella's love interest. Y/n's love interest. This was going be horrible. A disaster. A catastrophe. A nightmare.

But. She was a professional - or, at least, wanted to be - therefore, she had to stay calm and endure it. She still wasn't sure why Chifuyu wanted her back so bad after he was the one who wanted a break. What was up with him? Y/n couldn't tell.

Her fingers strummed the guitar strings aimlessly as her mind was going through a conflict. The random sheets of lyrics for the musical laid spread across her bed in front of her, though she wasn't looking at them.

This musical was definitely going to be a roller coaster.

°•. .•°

''Wait, wait, wait, you sighed up for what?''

''For a musical. I auditioned, by the way.''

Three pairs of eyes stared at him in disbelief, blinking in confusion. Chifuyu auditioning for a musical was something Mitsuya, Hakkai and Draken had never expected, yet here they were.

The first one to break the silence was Draken, who let out a laugh. ''So what, you're go sing your heart out to High School Musical on stage? I wanna see that.''

Chifuyu rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair, taking a sip from his coke. ''How did you even end up auditioning for a musical of all things?'' Mitsuya asked in interest.

''Well, 'cuz-''

''He wants to get Y/n back.'' Takemichi cut him off, giving Chifuyu an apologetic look when he noticed the glare the blond was giving him.

Chifuyu put his drink back on the table, letting out a sigh. ''Yeah. But I think I made her more mad, since I got Troy and she got Gabriella, so we're gonna spend a lot of time together, I think.'' That was very much good news for Chifuyu, of course, but it was probably bad news for Y/n. For now, at least. Chifuyu was going to work hard so he can fix things soon.

''I still can't believe you wanted to take a break,'' Hakkai shook his head, remembering Chifuyu's dumb mistake. By now, Chifuyu was sure he was never going to stop hearing about how dumb his actions were, really. ''Do you think you can fix it?''

Chifuyu thought for a moment. ''I hope I can, at least.''

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he took it out, seeing a message from Akaashi. Club meeting tomorrow at 16:00 after classes. Be punctual, please.

Club meeting. So, the real thing was about to tomorrow. He was finally going to spend time with Y/n tomorrow and work his way to forgiveness.

Tomorrow was going to be great.

°•. .•°

Today was not great.

Chifuyu sat on one of the mats, watching as some people from the drama club recreated a dance from High School Musical, Troy's Get Your Head in the Game, to be exact. A scene Chifuyu himself would have to take part in.

He can sing, Y/n had convinced him that much. But the only coordinated thing we could do with his body was punch people in the faces - when it came to dancing, Chifuyu was aware that he had two left feet.

How was he going to survive the dancing part? He wasn't sure.

''Okay, Matsuno-kun, take a ball and join them now!'' Nakamura-sensei pointed her pen at Chifuyu then at the dancers, waiting for him to get up. Chifuyu sighed and stood up, grabbing a basketball and standing in the front, trying to remember what he'd seen just moments before.

break a leg (not my heart) | matsuno chifuyu x fem!reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now