twenty four.

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THE GROUP were now slowly and quietly making their way down the stairs of the school in pairs; Soo-Jin and Su-Hyeok being together.

"What are you doing?" Hyo-Ryeong asked Dae-Su, who was at the back and had just shut the door. "My bad, my bad." He nodded and they continued walking.

"What's wrong?" Su-Hyeok whispered, once they had stopped. The sound of a zombie growling was heard and Soo-Jin let out a sigh. "Can you see them?" Su-Hyeok wondered.

Thunder cracked in the sky, making the zombies look around and run away, and into the direction of the loud noise.

This gave Cheong-San time to slowly lead the group down to the bottom of the stairs. "Ready?" He asked, turning back to look at his friends who nodded.

They then made their way of to the front doors and exited the building. The survivors crawled down low so they wouldn't be seen by the monsters by a very low wall.

Soo-Jin turned to look behind her to see if Nam-Ra was okay - which she was - and sent her a reassuring look, before turning back.

"We have to go along the wall." Cheong-San informed Joon-Yeong. "Okay." He nodded and then quietly informed everyone else. They all slowly got up, and climbed over the small wall and then began to quickly walk away from that part of the school.

The group soon came up to a crashed truck and kneeled down by it, waiting to be instructed on the next move. Dae-Su rushed over to Cheong-San and tapped him on the back. "I'll go first." He stated, before crawling under the vehicle.

Joon-Yeong and Wu-Jin were next to go under and Cheong-San looked up and paused. Soo-Jin wrapped her arm around Nam-Ra's shoulder and pulled her into her chest so that the loud cracks in the sky wouldn't hurt her too much.

"Cheong-San!" On-Jo yelled, making Soo-Jin's eyes widen. She looked away from Nam-Ra and saw the Lee boy trying to climb over the truck. Su-Hyeok was quick to rush towards his best friend and see what was going on.

"What the hell!" Dae-Su yelled in panic at the sight of a zombie on the other side. "Damn it!" He picked up his weapon - which was a metal pipe - and began to fight with the monster. "There's another zombie here!"

"Dae-Su!" Joon-Yeong shouted for his friend, then helped him with fighting off the zombie.

"I said stop it!" Cheong-San exclaimed, jumping over the truck and to where the boys were fighting with the creature. "Stop that!" He yelled, and pushed them away and got on top of Dae-Su, where he then threw a punch at his face.

"Cheong-San! What the hell?!"

"What is he doing?" Soo-Jin asked Su-Hyeok and On-Jo, who didn't answer. Su-Hyeok soon climbed over the truck as well, and Soo-Jin's eyes widened.

She watched as her boyfriend pulled away his friend from the scene, and rushed over to them. "Get the fuck off me! Mum!" He cried, which broke Soo-Jin's heart.

Joon-Yeong and Wu-Jin - who had also helped - stopped their actions and looked over at Cheong-San. "Mum..." he sobbed, getting to his knees.

"We have to go," Su-Hyeok told them once he'd seen the amount of zombies coming their way. "Run!" He yelled. Wu-Jin grabbed onto Soo-Jin's wrist and began tugging her along with him. "Hey, let's go."

Soo-Jin glanced over at Su-Hyeok who sent her a comforting nod for her to go with him.

As half the group ran up a ramp, Dae-Su came to a stop and looked back. "Where are they?" He asked, and Soo-Jin's heart began to beat faster. "Did you see them coming?"

The sight of them coming around the corner made Soo-Jin's worries settle for a little while - but that was until Wu-Jin fell over. "Wu-Jin!" She gasped, and quickly helped him from the ground.

As they continue to run, the sound of Hyo-Ryeong groaning was heard and Soo-Jin turned around to see her on the floor with no one around her.

She shrugged Wu-Jin off of her wrist and rushed back over to her. She helped her up, but before anything, the zombie was charging at them. "Soo-Jin!" Wu-Jin shouted, throwing his body into the zombie.

He got back up, and held onto her wrist as Soo-Jin held onto Hyo-Ryeong's and they went to start running again, but Soo-Jin slipped, slamming back down onto the floor. She let out a grunt, and looked back and saw the zombie about to jump on them.

Wu-Jin quickly put his arm around the two girls, as a way of protecting them, and she squinted her eyes shut, waiting to be leapt on, but before anything could happen, the monster was shot down.

The three got up and looked around. "Ha-Ri." Wu-Jin spoke, making the two look over in the direction of where he was looking. There, Soo-Jin's eyes widened in shock. Her sister, Park Mi-Jin was alive, and was pushing a boy in a wheelchair.

"Mi-Jin!" She almost yelled, making the girl look over at her. "Soo-Jin!" She grinned, and ran over to her, pulling her in for a hug. "I thought you turned into a zombie." She muttered into her sister neck. "So did I."

"Come on, get going!" Ha-Ri informed them, as they began to rush away - Mi-Jin keeping a tight grip on her younger sister, while also holding onto the chair.

They eventually made it inside the gymnasium and it fell silent. "What's wrong, Nam-Ra?" Joon-Yeong asked her, who had a look of wordy on her face. "Run.." she answered. "Let's go." And as if on time, the thunder lit up the room, revealing even more zombies.

"Oh, shit!" Mi-Jin and Soo-Jin said at the same time. "Run!" Su-Hyeok yelled.

"I'm gonna die tonight!"

"Run! Go!"

"Just save yourselves!"

The group headed towards the storage room, and Ha-Ri opened the door for them to go in.

"Just go! You'll die! Believe me!" The boy - Yoon Joon-Seong begged Mi-Jin. "Whatever!" She yelled in return and Soo-Jin ran towards them and tried to help her sister with pulling the boy.

"Soo-Jin!" Su-Hyeok called out for her but she didn't listen. "This way! Hurry!" Ha-Ri yelled. "Are you crazy? Let go!" Joon-Seong screamed, before jumping out of the wheelchair and onto the floor.

"Hey! No! No!" Mi-Jin yelled, trying to go over to her friend to help him, but Soo-Jin knew that it was too late and that they wouldn't have time. "Mi-Jin..." She quietly said, but the girl didn't hear.

Ha-Ri and Wu-Jin ran over to the two siblings and began to pull them into the storage room. "What are you doing?" Mi-Jin cried, as she watched as Joon-Seong got bit by the zombies.

"No! Let go of me, you assholes! Let me go! Let go of me! No! Joon-Seong! Joon-Seong!"

The two girls were pulled into the room and Wu-Jin shut the door. "No! Let me go!" Mi-Jin continued to protest.

Soo-Jin looked over at her now crying sister and pulled her in for a hug. She felt Mi-Jin's arms wrap around her tightly as she nuzzled her head in her neck.

Eventually, Mi-Jin's cries turned into sobs and Soo-Jin let out a sigh, and rubbed her back to calm her down.

The room stayed silent. The only sound to be heard was everyone's heavy breathing.

Hopefully another chapter will be done tonight. I hope you enjoyed this one though.

If there's is anything you would like to ask me about this book then feel free to :)

Have a great day/night <33

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