twenty eight.

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THE TEENAGERS arrived at the tennis court. "Go! Go! Get in!" Mr. Nam lead them in. Ha-Ri, who had shot an arrow at a zombie was the last one in, and before she could get in, she was tackled to the ground by another monster.

Mr. Nam pulled it off of the girl and she quickly got back up and ran into the tennis court with the others. On-Jo's dad slammed the gate shut and locked it, before following after the others.

"Run!" He yelled, patting Su-Hyeok on the back and then Soo-Jin as they made their way over to the opposite gate.

"Hey! Hey! Wait!" Dae-Su grabbed Wu-Jin's arm, making him stop as the zombies crowded outside the other gate. Hyo-Ryeong fell to the floor and Soo-Jin helped her back up.

"We can't go out there. We can't go anywhere!" Dae-Su huffed out. "What should we do, Dae-Su?" Wu-Jin asked his best friend. "What do we do?"

Suddenly, the zombies broke the gate down. Soo-Jin let out a gasp and Su-Hyeok pulled her back a bit, so she was behind him. "Oh, shit!"

As the zombies ran at them, Cheong-San and Su-Hyeok took lead to hit them with their weapons, and eventually, the others with weapons joined in.

"Stay back, Soo-Jin." Mi-Jin told her, putting her arm protectively in front of her sister. Soo-Jin let out a frustrated sigh and looked around. Her eyes landed on the spear that was in Mi-Jin's hand and without another thought, she took it from her and charged at the zombies - stabbing them repeatedly.

On-Jo's dad lit his fire stick and waved it in the air, before throwing it across the court, leading the zombies away from them.

"Let's go."

The students rushed over to the gate. "Hurry.." Hyo-Ryeong quietly urged Dae-Su, who opened the gate and walked out along with Wu-Jin, who kept his grip on Soo-Jin's wrist and Hyo-Ryeong.

Soo-Jin turned back around to the sound of a whistle. Her eyes slightly widened as the sight of Mr. Nam blowing a whistle to lure the zombies to him and On-Jo being held back by Cheong-San and Su-Hyeok so she wouldn't run after him.

"Dad, come back! Dad! Come back!"

"Run!" He yelled in return and threw another flame thrower. "Get out! Get out now!" He ordered, before being attacked by zombies. "Mr. Nam!" Cheong-San called out for him, and he and Su-Hyeok helped him from the ground.

"Go! Go! Get out!"

Mr. Nam pushed the two boys out of the tennis court, and then shut the gate, with him still in there.

On-Jo ran to the gate to face her dad, as her breath hitched and tears fell. "Dad?"

"On-Jo, look at me. Go." He insisted. "Run. Go. Go!" He began to yell once he saw the zombies that were coming towards the students. "Go! Go! On-Jo! Go..." zombies ran at him and began biting into his skin. "Run. Go! On-Jo! Run!"

On-Jo was pulled away from the gate by Cheong-San and Su-Hyeok and the rest of the survivors ran up into the woods and to the construction site.

They ran through the building as the once human workers that were now dead ran after them. "Hurry!" Su-Hyeok yelled back to the rest, while keeping his hand in Soo-Jin's.

"Stop!" Nam-Ra shouted out, coming to a halt, and everyone stopping behind her. "Why? Why? Why?" Dae-Su repeatedly asked.

It was all silent until even more zombies came out from the bottom of the corridor. "Go upstairs! Go!" The half-bie insisted and they did as told.

"Hurry! To the second floor!"


The students rushed up the stairs, frightened for their life as the zombies chased after them. Once they got to the second floor, they searched around for a place to escape but there was nothing.

"Where do we go?!" Soo-Jin asked, slightly out of breath from all the running. Now, in this kind of situation, she really regretted smoking. "There's no way out. It's blocked." Wu-Jin informed the group, as Nam-Ra ran over to a window.

"Go through this way!" She called out to them, and moved the sheet that was in front of the window. Dae-Su picked up a small bench and placed it by the wall so they could easily got over it.

They all climbed out and onto the construction that was all around the building with the help of Su-Hyeok. "Careful." The boy muttered to Soo-Jim as she landed on the floor. He sat on the floor beside Dae-Su and Soo-Jin sat next to him, while Nam-Ra stayed standing beside her.

"Here, come here." Dae-Su motioned for Hyo-Ryeong to come to him. "Quiet." Nam-Ra hushed him. "Don't make any noise."

On-Jo let out a whimper after she'd picked up a small metal pole from the floor. Cheong-San looked at her and tried to get it out of her hand —- once he did, he threw it into the distance, making it hit another metal pole.

The girl dropped to the floor and began sobbing. Ha-Ri, who was stood next to her, kneeled down and placed her hand over the crying girls mouth so she wouldn't be too loud to lure to zombies to them.

Soo-Jin rested her head against the wall and fiddled with her hands. She was anxious. The group was pretty much stranded on a small ledge on the side of the building so she had no hope. She'd never make it out of this place alive.

It had been a little while since they'd been on the ledge, and nothing had happened. "Damn it. Nothing is working out. We keep hitting dead ends." Mi-Jin huffed out.

"Would you just be quiet?" Dae-Su asked. "It's your fault Joon-Yeong died." Both the sisters and Wu-Jin looked over at the boy. "Dae-Su, don't." Wu-Jin told him.

"If you hadn't bitched at him and just shut up, he would never have jumped out there."

"Okay, it is my fault. Happy?" Mi-Jin questioned him. "Are you happy, asshole?"

"You give it a rest too." Wu-Jin ordered. "Dae-Su, what does it matter who's responsible for someone's death? what does living and dying even mean? I don't know. If we make it out, will it really be living? Hey, you know our friends died, and our parents too. What's the point?"

"Do you wanna die?" Mi-Jin wondered. "Then will you die? Try being a senior. Then you'll really wanna die."

"Yeah, big deal, you're a senior." Dae-Su rolled his eyes. "You try being one. You'll see what it's like. You kids, you better survive till next year and see what it's like being seniors, you too Soo-Jin. Survive until next year and tell me which is harder, zombies or senior year."

"Mi-Jin," Ha-Ri began as she stood up. "Let's go." Soo-Jin's face flashed with confusion. She was going to leave? "Where? Why?" Mi-Jin asked, looking up at her.

"Let's look for a good spot where we can jump off. We're the oldest."

Soo-Jin let out a sigh of relief. They weren't leaving them. "Sure. Whatever. It's not like we get any respect."

"I'll go this way," Ha-Ri pointed to the right. "And you go that way." She pointed to the left and Mi-Jin nodded. The two both went separate ways and began looking around.

"How are you feeling?" Soo-Jin asked Nam-Ra, and she nodded. "I'm just tired." She answered. "Sleep." Soo-Jin told her, but she shook her head. Soo-Jin turned away from her and looked down into her lap.

"Eat her. It's okay. Eat her. I'm hungry. I'm hungry."

Soo-Jin shot her head up from her lap and glanced over at Nam-Ra, who had a bite mark on her wrist. "It's okay." She reassured her friend, and Soo-Jin put Nam-Ra's hand down in her lap, so nobody could see the bite. "It's not okay." She whimpered.

"Yes, it is."

Another chapter should be out today as I have no school :)) due to the wind being 100mp!

I haven't proofread this chapter so once again, sorry for mistakes!

Have a great day/night <3

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