The Quinceanera (Javon)

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(Y/n) POV

"MAMAAA" i yelled whining a little. "What (y/n) and you better not start crying your makeup is getting done!" my mama yelled. I'm in the middle of getting ready for my quince but JAVON isn't answering because JAVON decided he was gonna stay back with my papa knowing I need some support. And we not even gonna talk about my dad he's never gonna hear the end of it when I get to him. "Why aren't they answering their phones!?" I yelled getting annoyed.

Maddy rolled her eyes at me while doing my makeup, "If you don't sit little girl." I rolled my eyes at her cause who she talking to? Anyways I starting getting really anxious because what if something bad happened? I only have 30 minutes until I have to go out and he's not here.

I didn't notice how zoned out I was until my mama started calling my name. "(Y/N) I KNOW YOU HEAR ME LETS GO!" I look up at her in confusion "Go where?" she looked at me and scrunched up her face so I knew she was serious "Let's go get your dress on before I beat you" I got up super fast " GUYS COME GET ME WHEN THE BOYS SHOW UP" 20 minutes later I was ready but still nobody told me if they were here or not.

 "(Y/N) I KNOW YOU HEAR ME LETS GO!" I look up at her in confusion "Go where?" she looked at me and scrunched up her face so I knew she was serious "Let's go get your dress on before I beat you" I got up super fast " GUYS COME GET ME WHEN THE BOYS...

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(this the dress if you don't like it just pick your own but it gotta be purple)

(this the dress if you don't like it just pick your own but it gotta be purple)

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(heels not all that but i was struggling)

(if you don't have this texture of hair you can pick something for yourself)

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(if you don't have this texture of hair you can pick something for yourself)

As I walked out of the changing room into the dressing room all eyes went on me and you know where my eyes landed...on JAVON and papa of course. I strut over to the both of them and flick their foreheads "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU TWO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I WAS STRESSING CAUSE YALL DIDNT WANT TO ANSWER THE PHONE" I yell. "Sorry we were in traffic and I would have called you but we were jamming to becky g" Javon said scratching the back of his head.

"Sorry baby but at least we came dressed right?" My dad said in a apologetic voice. I didn't even look at my dads outfit I looked at Javon. He had black tuxedo pants with a black button down shirt with a purple bow with some purple Jordans and... a hat? but he looked so handsome so I ain't judging. My papa looked..actually good.

"OKAY EVERYONE 5 MINUTES" My mama yelled. My mom and dad were walking out together, Maddie and Jaden(Javons brother), Cassie and Milo (my brother), Lexi and Fez, Jayla(Javons older sister) and Kat, and last is Jules and Rue. Everyone got with their partners and me and Javon was in the back. "Princesss please don't be mad at me I'm sorry you're too pretty to be balling your face up like that." Javon said chuckling at his last sentence. (No i'm not doing the euphoria cast I was just too lazy to put their real names lol)

"you could have texted me I really wanted you to be there when i was getting ready" I said with a irritated yet sad face. We didn't notice the line moving and kept talking. " I'm sorry princess how can i make it up to you?" I smirked at what he said " a kiss" he pulled me in and kissed me passionately and I smiled into the kiss. "(Y/N)" my mom whisper yelled from the door.

We saw that nobody was here and was out already. I looked at Javon and he looked at me and smiled " you ready?" He said and I shook my head yes. And we ran into the ballroom. Let's just say this was the best night of my life.

hey y'all so i don't know much about quinces nor have i been to one so i kinda went off of what i knew im sorry if i messed up anything i'll edit it laster tho.
663 words😟

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