Toxic Breakup (Ashtray)

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Me and Ashtray have been arguing a lot lately. Most of it is dumb shit and other times is him getting mad or jealous. I still love him but I have been thinking about taking a break for a while.

I was sitting on the couch with Faye watching tv which is what we've been doing all day other then cleaning the house since Ashtray and Fez were busy. I heard the door open and close and foot steps so I guess their home. "So y'all were home all day and couldn't take the trash out?" I heard Ashtray say from the kitchen. Me and Faye look at each other and I mouth 'Ignore him' and she nodded. "I know y'all heard me." he yelled.

I rolled my eyes "What are you talking about we cleaned everything else the least you could do is take out the trash." I said calmly but loud enough for him to hear.  I heard footsteps coming toward us and stop behind me " You obviously didn't finish the job." He said.  At this point I'm getting annoyed and I knew what the outcomes of this dumb conversation was gonna be a argument.

"Whatever you just wanna bitch about something leave us alone if the trash is bothering you that much you would take it out yourself." I stated calmly. Before I knew it I felt him grab my face and made me look up toward him. We made direct eye contact and I could see the anger in his eyes. "Who the fuck are you talking you?" he asked. I wasn't scared of him but he was intimidating as shit.

"I'm not arguing with you i'm tired of it Ashtray and let me go." I said trying to get him off me but his grip was strong I knew it was gonna leave a bruise. "Stop being a lazy bitch and do what I told you to do." he whispered to me letting go walking to his room. My eyes started to water and I saw Faye looking at me worried. I got up went to his room and he was on his phone.

I grabbed my things getting ready to leave but can you blame me. I just wanted to leave because I didn't have the energy to deal with him.

"Where you going?" he asked.
"Why because I asked you to do a simple task"

I started getting angry. "No Ashtray I'm tired of you that's why I'm tired of ARGUING with you everyday because YOU can't control your anger and take it out on me I'm tired of YOU thinking you can push me around do YOU get it Ashtray or do I gotta fucking yell it into your ear for you to understand?" I yell with tears in my eyes.

He looked at me and got up and walked over to me.  Before he could reach me I turned around and started walking away. I felt him grab my wrist and turn me around. He then grabbed my neck and pulled my face toward him. "Who are you walking away from huh? WHO TF DO YOU THINK YOU ARE HUH?" He yelled in my face making me cry harder. "Ashtray we are done" I said in between cries.

He's eyes got wide and he let me go and stormed to his room. I started crying harder. I felt my whole world crash over me and a wave of darkness come over me. I needed him in my life but I couldn't take it I'm tired. I knelt down cry and I felt someone rubbing my back. The hand was big so I guess it was Fez. I got up and hugged him tight while sobbing.

I heard crashing coming from Ash's room which only made me cry more. Then I heard gun shots and my eyes widened. I run out of Fezzes arms to Ashtrays room. "Ash open the door now" I yelled banging on the door. He opened it and I looked in the room and saw he shot the picture of me and him.

More tears ran down my face. I looked at him and he was already looking at me. I turned around and walked to the door and left. I walked home with heavy tears coming down my face. Is it bad that I want him back already?

AAH HEY YALL yes two updates in one day feel special because you are but yeah enjoyyyu

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