Butt (Ashtray)

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Random but I was never really shaped like other girls. I have big boobs and thick thighs that most guys would try to use me for and get me in bed. You would think because I have all these features I would have some type of confidence but I don't. Why you may ask is because I don't have an ass...like I'm flat. I know I should be thankful for what I have but I'd rather be flat everywhere else but my butt. My little butt never gets any type of love but you know little butt lives matter.

I was going to the store where fez works at. I don't really socialize so I never took the time to talk or start a conversation so every time he tried to start a conversation I would try and end it fast. Before I left out I got dressed not too dressed cause who am I trying to impress?

 Before I left out I got dressed not too dressed cause who am I trying to impress?

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I started walking over to the store because it wasn't far. When I got there it was some guy kinda looks my age working at the front. I didn't care so I got what was needed which was dolphin gummy's and a ginger ale.

I put my things on the counter and that's when the guy looks up. When I tell you the way my stomach was twisting I thought I was having contractions. Two tattoos under his eyes, eyebrow slit, buzz cut, and just fine overall. I didn't notice how long I was staring until he start scrunching up his face a little. "Got a staring problem or what?" he said.

I quickly pull out 5 dollars I already knew the price I get the same thing every time. After I begin to walk out I heard him say call me. "Hey you" I turned around making the huh sound. "Nice butt" he smirked while saying. My eyes got big and my ears turned red. "Thanks" I said turning around to walk away. Yeah I'm definitely coming here wayyy more.

Hey YALL this is random but I wanted to write so I asked one of my friends and the first word she said was butt so yk have fun with this😭

378 words👹

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