Magic (Ashtray)

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(Y/n) POV

Growing up with a whole bunch of drug dealer family members is always a fun story to tell. I was born into the gang, Madrigals (don't ask me why i chose this name deal with it😭). I learned stuff growing up most people don't ever learn at all. Meaning knowing how to shoot a gun before I went into middle school. I knew how to drug deal but my dad didn't want me to. He wanted me to stay a princess but who said princesses can't be gangsters too.

Sometimes he would let me only when business was slow he knew I would get the job done and done fast. One day when a drug deal was going on between my dad and a different gang someone decided they wanted to shoot. Everyone always plotted to take out my dad but this time it actually worked. Nothings the same. Me and my dad were so close. He was my best friend and I don't know where I would be without him. Me and my mom decided to move somewhere safer for my safety it was my dads dying wish.

We moved somewhere in California and it's really old school here. I've been living here for about 3 months and I've met some people maybe even a lover but I like to play hard so not yet. Right now I was over at Fezcos house with Ashtray my maybe soon to be lover.

They were at the table talking while I was standing in the kitchen door listening. "Okay so what your telling me is y'all gonna get y'all asses killed because y'all didn't sell all the drugs?" I asked. Fez turned around "I wasn't even talking to you but yeahh." He said.

I rolled my eyes "Let me help i'll have all these drugs gone in the next 2 hours." I said in a daring voice. I knew I could do it maybe in less then 2 hours but they didn't know what I was capable of. "Fuck no." Ash said calmly standing up walking past me to sit on the couch. "and Why the fuck not?" I said kinda insulted cause I knew he didn't think I could do it. "Because I said so." he said not paying attention.

I went and sat next to him laying up against him. I started to think of other ways I can help. I came up with a plan "I'll be right back forgot my mom needed me for something." I got up sneaking to the kitchen were the bag of drugs were. I grabbed them and snuck out.


After the movie was over I went to the kitchen to start trying to figure out the whole drug thing. I see that the drugs weren't there and I was mad confused because I knew I left them here. "Yo Ash did you move the drugs?" I asked. He got up from the couch and walked toward me. I could see his face get anger "Im gonna kill her." Before I knew it he was leaving.

(Y/n) POV

I was laying on my bed counting the money I just made selling all of the drugs. It was really easy since everyone in this town is druggys. I heard someone knock on my front door and I knew it wasn't my mom she was out of town. I walked down stairs totally forgetting what I had on.

(I can already imagine the cute tummy's showing in the outfit or if you don't have a tummy it's still cute)

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(I can already imagine the cute tummy's showing in the outfit or if you don't have a tummy it's still cute)

I opened the door and see Ash. He grabbed my chin and that's when I knew I was in trouble. "Why the fuck are you always playing with me huh? Why can't you be simple for fucking once and just chill?" he said pulling me closer to him. "I sold all the drugs be greatful." I said in a annoyed tone moving his hand and walking upstairs. "Watch the attitude yo." I heard Ash say obviously following me.

We ain't gonna talk about how that made me feel. Once we got in my room all you see is money spread out on the bed and a empty bag next my bed. I looked at him and he looked at me. He walked up to me wrapping his arms around my waist just staring at me. I felt my legs muscles go weak but I didn't act on it.

He then kissed me but this wouldn't be the first. I smiled into the kiss because it wasn't like any other kisses we've had this one was eager and I felt like I was being feed after being starved for the longest. He pulled away and looked me in my eyes. "How'd you do it?" He asked.



okay so I don't really like this once but yeah i'm gaining some motivation i'll try to get one out tonight and don't say anything about to madrigal 😭 I couldn't think of anything else and enchanto has be under a spell rn

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