Boxing tournament Pt2 (Javon)

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(Y/n) POV

That day I told my dad about the boys tournament that I wanted to go watch the next day and he agreed. That night I couldn't get my mind off of the guys who name I don't know.

Time skip to the next day

The next day I woke up early just to get ready. I never do that so I surprised myself. I took a shower and did my hair when I was done my dad was just getting up. The tournament didn't start until 9 and it was 8:56 so I had time to spear.
This is what I'm wearing

 This is what I'm wearing

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and how I did my hair

and how I did my hair

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(Choose whatever fits your hair type i put a lot because i know how it feels when the author choose ones that don't fit you at all)

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(Choose whatever fits your hair type i put a lot because i know how it feels when the author choose ones that don't fit you at all)

I was scrolling threw instagram waiting for my dad when I got a friend request. Not just one but three. I checked and they were all from the two guys that I met yesterday along with Jayla. I followed them back and didn't think too much of it. When my dad was ready we left out. Once we got there it started right away.

I looked around for somewhere to sit when I saw Jayla waving over to me. I told my dad where I was gonna sit but he just stood next to the buff guy who I'm guessing is either Jaylas trainer or dad. I walked over and sat next to her. The guy with hair and the little one was with her along with who I'm guessing is their mom.

"Heyy" Jayla said while side hugging me. I said it back while hugging her back. "I don't think we had a proper introduction with my family." pointing at the one with hair "That's Jaden and he's Javons twin" he waved at me with a goofy face. I laughed and waved back "That's Daelo" pointing at the little one and he rolled his eyes with his arms crossed.

I'm guessing he's still mad at me for hurting his sister. I go to him and bend down holding a lollipop. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt your sister forgive me?" I said in a apologetic voice. He looked at me and smile taking the lollipop "It's okay now". I chuckle and sit back down. "And that's my mom Jessica" pointing at the women and she waved with a loving smile. I waved back with a smile.

"That's my dad Dj and then the one you talked to yesterday is Javon he's boxing today" Jayla explained. I nodded my head understanding before I heard the ring guy get louder then usual. "AANNNDDDD THE MATCH YOU ALL HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR WITH WANNAONE AND JAYBOOM!!" and when I tell you the crowd went wild I thought my ears were gonna burst.

"COMING IN FIRST ALL THE WAY FROM CALIFORNIA JAYBOOM!"the ring guy yelled and the crowd started yelling boom. The guy walked out jumping side to side and got into the ring. "NEXT THE NON STOP WINNER WANNAONE!!" he yelled like dead serious yelled like he didn't have a mic 1 inch away from his mouth.

The crowd screamed and so did everyone next to me. I saw Dj walking down with who I'm guessing is Javon. When I tell you he looks hot he looks hot. Like I felt like I was about to start sweating. He got into the ring looking around then stopped his eyes right on me. He looked me up and down then to my eyes and winked.

I smirked and turned my head toward Jayla. I felt myself starting to get red and saw Jayla looking at me also smirking. "I saw that" she said. Then the match started. The way he was moving around on his feet for some reason sent butterflies around my stomach. The Jayboom guy threw a punch but Javon dodged and threw a punch to his  stomach and face.

After a few punches Jayboom looked tired.  I saw Javon smirk and his dimple showed. I smiled and watched him. Before I knew it at least 5 punches were thrown by Javon so hard you can hear the impact. Jayboom fell not knocked out but hurting. The red started counting and he didn't get up but instead layer down whimpering.

"AND ONCE AGAIN WANNAONE IS THE WINNERR!!" the ref yelled. Everyone jumped up and i stood up and clapped smiling. I didn't know why I was smiling but I couldn't stop. I got scared when I heard Jaden yelling at the top of his lungs dancing around. I laughed and then looked back at Javon who was already looking at me.

He smirked and walked out of the ring. We watched the rest of the fights with Javon and other boxers of course he won in the end. We all begin to walk toward the boys changing room and was our dads talking.

I walked to my dad "Oh hey sweetheart this is Dj he and his family boxes his son is the one who won." he said explaining everything I already know. "I know dad I'm friends with Jayla his daughter." I said back before we heard the boys changing room open. Javon walked out and everyone minus me and my dad hugged him telling his good job and all.

My dad introduced himself and me to Javon "Hey champ I'm (Y/d/n) and this is (Y/n) she boxed your sister yesterday but just telling you good job maybe we can train together" my dad said. "Yeah for sure nice meeting you" Javon said then looked at me. The dads started talking along with the mom.

"I didn't know you were serious when you said you could box still don't think you can beat me tho" I said with a smirk. He raised a eyebrow "you got a lot of pride for a princess" he said walking closer to me. I was someone intimidated but I wasn't gonna show it. "Yeah and your pretty sloppy for a prince" I said getting closer.

At the point we're almost nose to nose out arms crossed just staring into each other's eyes. "Uh sore to interrupt but we're leave oh and (Y/n) your coming over for dinner you can ride with us." Jaden said. I look at Jaden then back to Javon and walked away not forgetting to hit his shoulder. Well that was interesting I said with a red face/ears.


HEY YALL thank you so much for reading omggg💕💕💕 If you guys want a part 3 let me know and please I need more suggestions for more storysss love y'all fr💕

1128 words😫

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