Trick (Ashtray)

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(in this you have a twin im just gonna pick a random name im sorry if you don't like it)

Third person view thing

Quinn and (Y/n) are twin sisters. They've been best friends since they were born. You could never tell the difference between them. The only way you could tell the difference is by the way they dress.

Quinn liked more baggy clothes the most reveal she would wear is a crop top with a hoodie on top but never anything else. But (y/n) on the other hand liked showing her body. She has a lot more respect for her body and she loved showing it off.

When they moved to this small town they both took it as a new beginning. Well they did start over but not in the way they wanted. Quinn started smoking weed while (y/n) got into a relationship with a drug dealer.

After their mom found out about this she started completely ignoring their existence. So they started staying over Fez's house which he was fine with. They were happy and safe and that's all that mattered to him.

Quinn's POV

I was chilling in my room when someone bust through the door. Of course it was (y/n) and she had this really sexy costume on which I guess is for the halloween party.

I just wanted to know how she's gonna get past Ashtray with that on

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I just wanted to know how she's gonna get past Ashtray with that on. "Oooo sissy you look gorgeous!" I said lifting myself up from laying down. She closes and locked my door. I started getting suspicious "What do you want?" I asked cause I knew that's what is was.
"I need you to match outfits with me"
"Absolutely not"
"I really need you too"
"No and even if I wanted to I don't have one."
And then she pulled out a second one of the costume just in blue. "I need your help because you know how Ash is he's not gonna let me leave the house but if we both dress up the same he's not gonna know who's who and just let us both go." she said really fast but I understood.

"You're crazy but fine" I said grabbing the costume leaving the room to go change in the bathroom.


I jump up and down in place and waited for her to come in. Of course I locked the door just so nobody comes in. I heard a knock "Who is it?" I asked. "Who else and hurry before someone sees dipshit." I heard Quinn whisper. I quickly unlock the door and pull her in locking the door again.

I looked her up and down and boy oh boy is my twin hot. "what are you looking at?" she asked. "You" "Well stop" I laughed. "Okay well I'm going to do your hair and makeup go sit." I said pushing her to the bed "Your so lucky I love you."

30 minutes later this is what they both have on their makeup and you choose the hair

30 minutes later this is what they both have on their makeup and you choose the hair

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what Quinn's wearing

what Quinn's wearing

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what (Y/N)s wearing

what (Y/N)s wearing

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both their makeup

We both walk up to the full body mirror. "Wow I can't even tell us apart." Quinn said with a wide mouth. I check the time and see the party starts in 30 minutes. "We should get going you know we gotta get threw security first." I said and we both laughed.

We walked out into the living room and they were both watching Tv. I looked back at Quinn and shushed her. We tried to tip toe away but we got stopped. "Where y'all going looking like that?" Fez said. "To the halloween party of course." I heard Quinn say. I saw Ashtray look back. "Who's who?" He questioned us.

I looked at Quinn and she looked at me. We turned back to Ash and shrugged our shoulders. "Can we go we're gonna be late and miss the drinks." I asked. Ash stared straight into my soul and I wanted to just walk away and go change at that moment but I had to remember that eye contact doesn't faze Quinn and kept it.

He pointed at me "That's Quinn" "Nope" We both said. "Oh so that's how y'all gonna play huh some smart asses." Fez said chuckling. Ash looked like he was starting to get angry. "Since y'all don't want to tell us who's who me and Fez were going to the dumb ass party anyways and Im bring my strap so don't try anything dumb might get someone killed." he said seriously walking past us leaving the house.

Fez looked at both of us " So who's who" I raised my hand "(Y/n)" and Quinn raised hers "Quinn". He laughed "(Y/n) you really made Quinn match with you just to get passed Ash. And his dumb ass could have just checked the phones but we all know he acts off of impulse." He said laughing walking out the house.

Me and Quinn looked at each other and started laughing. "Let's go have a good time sissy." I said to Quinn grabbing her hand walking out of the house together.


I don't even know where this came from😭

875 words👁

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