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Growing up I was always into theatre. My dad always took me to plays and I've always dreamed of preforming in one. But now I am finally able to. My school is having a Hamilton play and I auditioned and got the part I wanted.

I ran all the way to Javons house. A little back story on me and Javon we've been childhood friends and we've always liked each other but didn't develop a relationship until last year. He's a really amazing guy he supports me in my acting career and I of course support him in his boxing career.

I finally got to his house and start ringing the door bell really fast over and over. I didn't notice someone opened the door snd slapped my hand off the door bell. I looked up and saw Javon and ran up to him giving him a big hug. "Woah what are you so happy about?" he asked. I muffled the words "I got the part" into his neck so he obviously didn't hear me. "What?" he asked again.

I pulled away jumping up and down "I got the part!" I yelled and his eyes widened and hugged me again. "Good job princess! What part was it again?" he asked pulling away. "Angelica Schuyler!" I yelled. "Let's celebrate what do you want to do?" I thought for a sec. "Let's go get boba with everyone when they come back."

Fast Forward about a week the day before play

This whole week I've been super busy with the play I haven't even talked to Javon. To be honest I was really stressed and I could really use a break. Right now I was studying my lines that I knew I had down I just was too scared to mess up. I heard someone open my door thinking it was my mom dropping laundry off I ignored it.

"Wow so rude to ignore your boyfriend." I heard Javon say. I turned around and see him standing in my door way with bags of what looks like snacks.  I got up with a plain tired expression and hugged him. He picked me up getting what I wanted taking me to my bed. We laid down in silence as I felt myself falling asleep. " Your gonna do great princess get some rest." I heard him say as I fell asleep.

Fast forward to the day of the play

Today was the play and when I say everyone was going crazy I mean like my friend who's playing Eliza Schuyler has been screaming into a pillow for 5 minutes crazy. I laughing and when over to her patting her on the back giving her encouraging words. "5 MINUTES UNTIL THE SISTERS GO OUT LETS GO PEOPLE!" The director yelled.

We all went to the curtains waiting. I peeked out the curtain and look where Javon said my family along with his will be sitting and I saw them. I took a deep breath before they were giving us the 30 second count down before we had to go out. Then boom before I knew it I was in front of a crowd.

(If you didn't know your the one in the pink dress)

I always knew how to sing I even went to a singing class so yeah i'm pretty good. Nobody other then my parents knew I could sing. I mean I sung in front of Javon a few times but not fully. I would sneak glances at Javon and would wink at him sometimes.

Fast forward until after the show

Everyone was tired like people already sleeping after the show. I was finishing packing up my things to leave and saying goodbye to everyone. We took a group picture. It would be a understatement to say I was very grateful to do the play. I walk outside to see Javon and our families standing with flowers.

I ran up to Javon hugging him. We pulled away and he gave me the flowers "I knew you were good but not that good you gotta sing for me when we get home." he said excited. I laughed "Thank you" I said. Everyone else gave me there flowers saying how good of a job I did. I decided to go to Javons and the whole way home he was talking about how good I was while I was blushing. Later that night we all actually end up singing Hamilton songs before passing out in random spots in the floor.


heyyy y'all im writing this half sleep but enjoy

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