Clingy (Ashtray)

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Clingy. It's the only word people describe me as. I don't get mad when they say that because I am but I can't help it. I mean what do you expect from a girl who barely got attention or love growing up. So now that I have a loving boyfriend for the first time I can't seem to leave him alone.

I was laying on Ashtrays shoulder while he had his arm around my waist. We were watching a random movie but I was falling asleep. I felt Ash start to move  "I'll be right back love." he whispered in my ear getting up.

I didn't like that he moved it felt like a piece of me was gone. 2 minutes later I got up looking for him. I went in the kitchen and saw him at the stove it looked like he was about to cook.

I walked behind him and put my head on his shoulder and arms around his waist. "What's wrong?" he asked turning around. "I missed you." I mumbled. He smiled "I'm bout to cook for us can you wait?" he asked kissing around my face. I nodded my head lying knowing I wasn't gonna leave him alone. He kissed my lips before I turned around to walk away. I didn't want to bother him so I went to shower.

Next day

I was walking to Fez and Ash's house after school. I didn't have a good day but whenever do I have a good day when I have to attend school.

Flash back to in school

I was getting my things out of my locker for my last period when Gia walked up to me along with her minions. Gia never liked me and I don't know why. "You still doing drugs?" she asked making her minions laugh. I didn't even look up well I didn't care to. "I mean can you blame me your always around that dumb drug kid, who knows." she said laughing.

I continued to ignore her closing my locker getting ready to walk away. Before I could I felt someone turn me around. "You know I heard that drug boyfriend of yours is cheating. Your so clingy I don't know why you didn't notice. He's probably gonna break up with you anytime now i mean your always up his ass." she said bullying me.

I didn't feed into her nastiness and walked away until I heard her scream "YOUR NEVER GONNA BE ENOUGH YOU CLINGY BITCH!" and that's when I lost it. I turned around and smacked tf outta her "Listen here you bitch I keep my name out your mouth if you know what's good for you." I said then walking away.

Back to present day

I made it to Fezco's and knocked. Ash opened the door and I just walked past him not in the mood. I made my way to his room hearing him follow me. I drop my backpack and go to his closet looking for something to wear.

I was bending down to open a book bag that I keep my clothes in when I feel him grab my waist and rub my back. I wanted to give in and cry to him but I didn't. I got my clothes and went to the bathroom locking the door behind me to change.

I heard a knock "What?!" I yelled kinda annoyed. "Chill it's me. Did I do something?" Ash asked from the other side of the door. "No" I mumbled. I guess he heard me because he walked away. After I was done I went in his room to see him on his bed.

I sat next to him just staring at him. "What's up?" he asked not looking at me. I don't know what broke me but I just started crying. He picked me up putting me on his lap "What's wrong ma?" he said concerned. I explained everything that happened and he looked mad.

He grabbed my face pulling it closer to his. "First of all I don't know why you listen to those jealous ass bitches I would never cheat on you ever get that through ya thick ass head ard. And second I love how clingy you are it makes me feel secure and that I can protect you at all times. I love everything about you ma and don't ever doubt that. OK?" he said.

I just stared at him and then burst into tears again. I was overwhelmed and I'm not so good at expressing things so I cry. He started kissing my face and rubbing my tears away. "I love you." he said. "I love you too." I laughed as he started tickling me.

heyyy y'all I miss writing I just haven't had any motivation sorryyy💓💓

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