Trick pt2 (Ashtray)

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TW- Sexual Assault


We were at the party it was fun so far and Ash still didn't know who was who but I think he was starting to catch on. Me and Quinn were dancing with each when two guys came up to us. "Yo wassup y'all fine asf." one of the guys said. They both looked like bums honestly. Me and Quinn looked at each other with stank faces and laughed. "No we're good." Quinn said taking my hand walking away. Before we could walk I felt someone grab me practically picking me up dragging me away. I saw the other guy taking Quinn. I tried pushing him away but they took us to the stairs and I don't know why I didn't think of doing this before. "ASHHHHHTRAYYYYYYY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Ashtray's POV

I was dealing some shit to these crazy ass teenagers until I heard a someone scream my name it was faint but clear. I turned to the crowd looking for Quinn and (Y/n). I didn't see them then I turned to Fez "Yo come help me find the twins." We hear banging coming from upstairs. We run upstairs and hear cries from one of the rooms. I walk in and see the twins being stripped by two grown ass men.


After I screamed the guy put his hand over my mouth and dragged me and Quinn in a random room. We were thrown on the beds. "Strip." the guy that was holding Quinn said. Me and Quinn were both crying shaking our heads no. I wasn't no pussy but this was the first time this happened to me especially because everyone knew we were close with Fez and Ash but these ones didn't seem to fear their life. They walking up to us trying to strip us themselves but we were fighting back. The guy got my shirt off and I felt helpless I wanted to give up but I didn't I had to help my sister who was already was stripped. I heard the door bust open and see Ash and Fez. I started crying more they were thankful tears. I saw both guys look back and I go over to my sister hugged her while we cried. I saw the two guys pull out guns but they were too slow. Ash Shot both of them in the legs. He looked super angry it was a side of him I've never saw. We watching him walk up to them shot both their legs then dick. We hear people screaming downstairs so I guess they heard the gun. I looked at my sister who was already looking at me and we put are heads together. "I'm sorry." I said crying more. I felt bad If I would have just picked something more appropriate to wear we wouldn't have been in this situation. I felt Ash touch me but I flinched something I never did. I felt my sister get up it was obvious she was going to Fez. Fez was like our older brother and was like a father figure we never had. I went to Ash and just held him I felt safe again. "Ash" I whispered I wanted him to know he was holding me which he probably already knew since Quinn went to Fez. I was still stunned after what just happened. "Let's put your clothes on." After me and Quinn got dressed we all left before the cops showed up. McKay tried to stop and ask what happened but Fez explained while we went in the car. Me and Quinn laid down in the back holding each other. "I hope y'all know it's not your faults. They would have tried that if y'all had sweats and a big ass shirt on. Guys just don't know how to keep their dicks in their pants until it gets blown off. But I am sorry that happened to y'all." we heard Ash say. We didn't respond. The whole ride home was quiet. I was thinking what I could have done differently even though Ash said it wasn't our fault I still couldn't stop myself from blaming it all on myself. Once we got home I took a long shower I sat in the tub while the shower was running on my head. I was crying of course but who wouldn't it was a traumatic experience for someone my age. I heard the door open and Quinn pecked her head through the curtain. "Can I join?" she asked. I nodded my head and a minute later she came in. We sat in the shower together just talking. It felt good talking to her. Once we were done and dressed we slept inside Quinn's room together.

Fez's POV

I walking to Quinn's room looking in and seeing them cuddled together. I saw Ashtray come next to me. "Why them man?" I heard him say he sounded like he was gonna cry. I turned to him "Their strong man and they have us they'll get through this." I said patting Ash's back. We both went in the living room. We both didn't sleep that night it was too much in our minds to even get a blink in. The worst shit happens to the sweetest people.


Writing this made me emotional i hope no one ever has to go through this

910 words❤️

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