Softy (Ashtray)

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I might actually make this into a book let me know how you like it !!


Hi. I don't know how to do this introduction thing but I'll try. I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I'm new to this weird town. My parents moved me here because they think it's a safer environment. I don't know how much more safe they can get. See my parents aren't like other parents they are a lot more strict. Like for example no going to friends house, no after school activities, no going anywhere outside of my yard unless I'm with them, no social media, no revealing clothes, no cursing, and last but not least no friends unless they approve.

So growing up I didn't get to experience anything. I have never cursed or even had makeup. Once my dad saw me with my moms lipstick on when I was 9 and he made me wash it off with soap and swear to never do it again.

So yeah right now I'm unpacking my room when my mom walks in. She was always the cool one she wanted me to experience stuff but always just listened to my dad. "Hey sweetheart why don't you go walk around and get to know the neighborhood." she said with a soft smile. I was surprised but I wasn't passing up on a chance of going outside. I smile back at her and got up. "Okay mom."

I saw that my dad must have left probably for a orientation at work. "You have your location on right? and you have your pepper spray?" my mom asked from the top of the stairs. I nodded my head. Before I left out I looked at myself in the mirror because I really liked my outfit today.

(idk if this is like soft but not too soft yk)

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(idk if this is like soft but not too soft yk)

I walked out of the house and walked down the street. I remember driving past a store close by so I make my way there. When I reach there I see a ginger dude sitting on a lawn chair. I see he's smoking something I didn't know the name of but my dad said to never smoke or I'll be thrown in jail. He looks up at me and see me staring at whatever he's doing. "You want some or something?" he said in a raspy voice. my eyes widened "no" I said quickly walking into the store.

I looked at the drinks to see mostly alcohol and I scrunched up my face. "You new here or something? I'm guessing you are seeing how your dressed." I heard the ginger say. I didn't know if I should be offended or not but I turned to look at him and nodded. "What you don't talk or something?" he asked. "I do I just don't talk to strangers." I said softly. "Oh well I'm Fezco but you can call me Fez. See now we aren't strangers." he said. I stared at him for a little then continue to look at the drinks. "(Y/n)" I mumbled.

"Nice meeting you (Y/n). I'm guessing you aren't here for drugs or weed." I do know what drugs are but not weed and my dad told me to never do drugs or he'll put me in a psych ward for the rest of my life. "No" I said. As i continued to look through the drinks.

I stop at one freezer that had someone in it? I stared at the guy in there who was looking down. He looked up and saw me staring but I didn't care I couldn't seem to get my eyes off of him. I saw him get up and walked toward the freezer and open it almost hitting me. I walk away before he could get to me. "You want something or are you just gonna stare?" he asked obviously annoyed.

I look at him and see that he has tattoos on his face. He looked handsome tho my dad said people with tattoos are bad guys and are ugly. But this one was different. I looked away "No". "No what you don't want anything or no your not gonna stop staring?" he asked. "No for both" I answered finally finding what I want.

"Who are you anyways?" he asked. "I can't tell you your a stranger." I answered. Something in me just wanted to tell him but my dad said to not talk to strangers. "Ard then" he said walking to the counter. I walk to the counter with my Ice tea and put it down.

"2 dollars shawty." he said smirking. I didn't know what he just called me but it wasn't my name. "It's (Y/n)." I said not even noticing I just told a stranger my name. "Oh so you do have a name." he said still smirking. My eyes widened dang it. I put two dollars in the counter grab my Ice tea and begin to walk away. I heard footsteps behind me. "Hey can I get your number?" the guy said. I stared at him for a second. "Absolutely not" I responded and walked fast. I didn't notice I was smiling.

heyy I really want to make a book on this I just might

884 words🙃

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