2: The Cornbread of Whiskey

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Swallowing my nerves, I open the door to the Country Club and feel like I've stepped into heaven's garden. Elegant greenery vines with roses intertwined line the room and wrap around every pillar. Each table's dressed in lace coverings, with crystal vases and dozens of rose bouquets with soft hues of pink, red and white.

"You know they have over four thousand roses at this event? Miss Sheryl has a private greenhouse where she grows the flowers specifically for today." My father shares with me while we admire their beauty. Tall baskets with more roses surround the dancefloor where my dad and I are supposed to share our first Waltz.

Naturally, my mother put me in ballet classes the minute I could walk, so I'm familiar with the dance. I used to love dancing, but I started to despise it as I grew. My mother being the aggressive pusher that she is, instilled within me that I had to excel at everything she enrolled me in. Luckily, my dad got her to give up on that dream when I was in eighth grade with some of his magic. I honestly don't know how women can make a career out of dancing 24/7. I couldn't handle the pressure of constantly being barked at for your posture. I get that enough at home.

"Eeek, Dixie Mae! You look gorgeous!" My friend Callie Rose squeals.

"Look at you, Callie Rose. You look like the perfect amount of sunshine I need to brighten up this night." I comment on her elegant buttercup colored dress.

Callie Rose and I have also been besties since Kindergarten. She's been my only friend these days. Of course, I have others, but none of them know me inside and out as Callie Rose and Tucker do. Growing up, I felt so blessed to have both of them. Not having any siblings, you rely on your friends to fill that void.

"Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit. Did y'all hear that Tucker James is performing here tonight?" Olivia June slides between us and fans herself. "That man's voice melts me like a popsicle."

"It's not like we all don't know who Tucker is, Olivia June. Did you forget he was born and bred here, or are you still salty because he chose Dixie Mae over you?"

"Callie Rose!" I scold her, looking at Olivia, who's snarling like a vicious dog ready to strike. "Sorry, Olivia. Callie must've checked her morals at the door. But to answer your question, I didn't know Tucker would be here tonight. I did see his bus pulling in the parking lot before I came in, however."

"Oh, my stars! Tucker's here already?" Olivia June squeaks and rushes off into the crowd of partygoers. Olivia was one of the many girls who pined after Tucker in high school. I always thought he was interested in her until he made it known how he felt about me.

"I'm going to see if Mister Franklin needs any help. I'll see you later, Peaches." Daddy kisses my forehead and walks off, searching for the owner of the Country Club.

"That girl is something else." Callie Rose shakes her head and folds her arms across her chest. "How are you feeling about all of this, Dixie Mae? Have you heard from him at all?"

"No. I'm not sure—"

"Well, if it isn't the woman who's been the lyricist for most of my music. Hi, Dixie Cup."

My cheeks heat up before I twirl around and gaze at the owner of that deep southern voice. "Tucker, hi."

"That's all I get after three years? Come here."

Before I can process what's happening he pulls me in for a hug and I get lost in the familiar warmth of his arms. A place that once felt like home.

Pulling myself away, I try not to fall into the deep depths of his ocean eyes. "Momma talked me into doing this whole Rose Ball thing as you can see." I gesture my hands down my body as Tucker's eyes follow.

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