11: The Truth about Forever

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Attempting to keep my thoughts and speech straight through the intoxication and state of shock that's overtaking my body, I take a deep breath, relieved that I've at least found Dixie.

"What do you mean you think you killed someone? Tucker, are you drunk?" Dixie asks as she sniffs the air in front of me.

"I need to sit."

Walking past her, I stumble to a bed and plop down on it. Running my hands over my face, the room spins as I try to concentrate and think through tonight's events.

"Tucker, what's going on? How did you find me?"

"I called Callie and asked her where you were staying. However, I did expect to see you at the concert tonight. Why didn't you come?" I ask, glancing at her as she stands in front of me with her arms crossed. Her brown locks wrapped in a messy bun, her sparkling blue eyes gazing at me with such concern. Regardless of what has happened between us, I know I can always count on her when it matters. She's the only person in the entire world who would have my back no matter what terrible things I've done. At least, I hope.

"Today was my first day on campus, Tucker. I wanted to get situated and everything first. I told you I was going to focus on myself and I meant it."

"So what? This "new" you can't attend a concert and have fun? Your mother really has done a number on you since I left."

"Stop changing the subject, Tucker! What happened?"

Sitting up, I try to reach for my Stetson on top of my head and realize it's missing.

"Fuck! I lost my hat too. Just fucking great!"

Standing up, I walk to the window and frantically search the streets for signs of anyone coming after me. Flashes of the accident flicker in my head, causing me to close my eyes and stumble back to the bed.

"I don't remember anything, Dixie. I was out with the band after the concert. We went to this after party and before I knew it I..." I pause, feeling completely terrified about the words that I have to get out.

"You what, Tucker?"

"I remember leaving the party but I don't remember getting in the driver's seat. Then I woke up and there was smoke coming from the car's hood and the airbag had blown. There was no one else in the vehicle, but when I got out, there was... There was a girl lying in the road. She wasn't moving and before I could do anything I heard sirens and I panicked! I ran, Dixie."

"Oh my God, Tucker! Why did you run? Why didn't you stay and tell the police what you remember?"

"I didn't know what to do, Dixie. I don't remember any of it and if that girls dead that means...Fuck!"

"So you involve me in your mess? For corn picking sake, Tucker! This is so bad!"

"You don't think I know that? Fuck, maybe this was a bad idea. I'm sorry."

"Oh, it was a terrible idea! Holy crap!" Dixie runs her fingers across her forehead and collapses next to me. The room is silent for a few minutes as I'm sure her thoughts are racing like mine.

There's just no way I would've driven a vehicle, let alone hit someone. Drunk driving isn't something I've ever done and something I would never do.

"You said you were with your bandmates? Have you tried calling them? Maybe they know what happened?"

"I haven't talked to anyone. I ran straight here. I don't even know how long I was running for, but my trusty iPhone got me here, at least. What am I gonna do, Dixie?"

A Snapshot of DixieWhere stories live. Discover now