10: College Dreams

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Have you ever had one of those moments where you feel like you've been waiting for one specific thing? Every obstacle and every choice you've made thus far was meant to lead you to this one event.

This is mine.

Gazing at the large red brick-paved building in front of me, I smile and drown out the sound of everything else around me. The hustle and bustle of college students become a whisper as I take in the meaning of finally being here. Breathing in the winds of change as I close my eyes, I finally feel like I'm exactly where I'm meant to be.

"Dixie Mae, I'm going to run across the street for some coffee. The movers should be here within the hour with the rest of your things."

"Okay. Thanks, Momma."

Taking the steps into my new living quarters, I smile at all the friendly faces and take three flights of stairs to my dorm room. It was a battle to get my mom to agree to let me stay in the dorms, but since they were well within my savings budget, I felt it was the best choice. Although I appreciate the helping hand my parents are willing to lend in renting me a private condo, I want to know that I'm here living out my dream on my dime and mine only.

Every day since I turned fifteen, I've helped on my parent's farm, but I've also helped at other local cotton farms. My father was all for helping our neighbors and most of them were happy to pay me to assist. I've saved every penny I made for this exact moment.

Sifting through my purse, I search for the paper with my room number on it. Not looking where I'm going, I accidentally run into someone carrying a stack of books and knock them on the ground.

"Heavens to Betsy! I'm sorry." I look up at the handsome man I've bumped into. Black dreadlocks outline the tip of him, with the sweetest chocolate brown eyes highlighting his tanned skin. This man is beautiful.

"Don't sweat it, girl." He flashes me a smile and bends down to pick up his books and I follow suit to help him.

Noticing that he has a Digital Photography book similar to mine, I ask, "Are you a photography major?"

"Yeah. I'm in my second year. I'm guessing you are too." He points to my Nikon that's hung around my neck.

"Yes, but it's my first year. First day here actually."

"Ah, well, you'll love the program. I moved here from California because this is the best school for photography and I stand by that completely. The teachers are amazing!" 

"Same here," I reply, getting lost in his eyes and dazzling smile.

"You're from Cali? Your accent sounds a bit southern to me."

Blushing, I hand him his books and get to my feet. "Sorry, no, I just meant I moved here for the same reason. I'm from Alabama. I'm Dixie Mae." I nervously say.

"Dixie Mae, huh? I wondered if Southerners did that whole two-name thing."

"Yeah, it's a little much, but eventually, you get used to it. Most everyone back home has two names."

"Well, now if anyone ever asks I'll have the correct answer for that mystery. It's nice to meet you, Dixie Mae. I'm Hurley." He extends his hand and I shake it.

"Hurley? Well, that's an interesting name."

"Yeah, my parents are into the whole surfing thing. Honestly, I've heard all the bad jokes from the terrible name choice. When I was in elementary school, my hair was wild and curly. Kids called me Curly Hurley for years. I've kept it pretty short since."

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