24: The Perfect Set-up

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Have you ever had one of those moments where time seems to stand still?

I'm not talking about an exciting, romantic instant but a cold rush that travels through your body and you're useless to do anything but stand there like a statue. That's exactly how I feel at this particular moment, seeing Detective Morrison as Felicity's date...

Climbing into the limousine, I feel unbelievably uncomfortable as our eyes briefly meet and he takes a seat across from me. His brown hair is slicked back to match his formal black suit. He looks a little more clean-shaven than before, but it's gotta be the same man. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified, knowing that he's wanted for second-degree murder.

"So, Dillon, is it? What is it that you do for work?" Tucker asks as I shake the endless questions and squeeze his hand tightly.

While Felicity and I were shopping and getting our hair done earlier, we had a lovely chat about a man that she met at the market yesterday. She said she's never felt such a strong connection with someone and my mind instantly went to seeing Walker with my mother.

Realizing I still have to tell Tucker about what my father said, I feel even more pressure knowing that now I also have to tell Felicity that the man that gave her those exhilarating tingles is a criminal...

"I'm an investor. I used to be a private investigator before that." He quickly glances at me before clearing his throat. "Just wanted to broaden my horizons. I'm sure you know what that's like, don't you, Tucker?"

"What type of investing?" Tucker asks, his grip on my hand getting tighter as I take notice of his foot bouncing uncontrollably.

"Mostly with people who want to start a new business. Basically, I meet with them and listen to their pitch and determine if their business can make a big enough profit for me to invest. I've gotten quite a few crazy ideas over the years. One lady wanted to open a business selling candles made from earwax. The kicker is that all the candles looked like some version of Elvis Presley."

"Really? Gosh, she sounds like someone my mother would get along with well. She was obsessed with Elvis when I was young and I swear I had the words to Jailhouse Rock memorized by the time I was four." Felicity giggles, reminiscing as the two of them chat amongst themselves.

Leaning into Tucker, I whisper in his ear. "What are we going to do, Tuck? That's the Detective..."

"Shh, play it cool. We'll get to the bottom of this. I promise." He whispers back before kissing my forehead.

Glancing to the side of me, I notice Hattie's eyes burning a hole straight through me.

I've never been the type of girl to rub things in anyone's face, but I'd be a fool if I didn't acknowledge how satisfying it is to know that she's upset by my presence.

"So Dixie Mae, Tucker tells me you're going to school for photography?"

"That's correct. Classes start on Monday and I couldn't be more thrilled," I smile, feeling excited about where the next week is going to take me. It feels surreal to even think about classes starting, dealing with all this sudden drama; it feels like a whole different life.

"That's wonderful. I'm sure it'll be hard for you once Tucker goes back on tour, but I'm sure you will work it out. Speaking of Tucker, have you heard his new song? Oh my Lanta, it's fantastic! My father was extremely pleased with how it came out."

"Don't act like you have special privileges, Hattie..."

"Tucker, it's fine. I haven't heard it yet, but everything Tucker writes is amazing. I was fortunate enough to be there when he struck his first chord and wrote his first song." I gaze at Tucker, smiling as highlights of some of those moments flicker in my head.

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