26: Always & Forever

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Relaxing on the long chair, I giggle as the needle tickles my skin. Sitting here for almost two hours now, I realize this doesn't hurt as badly as anticipated. It's been soothing chatting with Wilma, engaging in a normal conversation for once. 

"Just about finished, Dixie Mae. This was such a unique choice. I love it!" Wilma lets out as I glance down my stomach.

I chose to get my tattoo just above my panty line. Not wanting to have it showing so visibly, I thought it was the perfect place.

Thinking about the coming year and focusing on my schooling inspired the idea for my new artwork. It's a professional camera lens with a daisy in the middle of it. Always seeing life through a lens has become a staple for my life and daisies being my favorite flower, it felt like the perfect piece of art to remind me of who I am. A girl that I never want to forget exists amongst the twists and turns that life can bring.

"Dixie, are you finished?" I hear Tucker shout.

"Just about! Are you?"

"Yeah. I'm good to go. I'll meet you at the entrance."

"Okay!" I holler back as Wilma wipes the tattooed area one last time.

"It'll be sore for quite some time, but I'll put some cream on it that should help. You'll want to keep this bandage on for one to three hours and wash it with warm water and a mild soap after. I'll send some instructions for care with you just in case since this is your first one."

"Perfect!" Wilma gathers the materials to put the bandage on.

"This might sound like a strange request, but can you take a few photos with my camera before putting that on?"

"Not strange at all. Of course, I can." I reach down beside me and hand Wilma my Nikon. She snaps a few photos and hands it back.

Flipping through the images while she wraps it up, I grin, feeling so excited about how the tattoo looks and happy about where this fun day has taken us.

Tucker and I desperately needed this time together to be ourselves. Not one mention of the drama that's clouded our lives the last week has been said. All the unanswered questions of the future can wait for tomorrow because today, I'm just Dixie Mae. A girl who's basking in the spontaneity of her young love.

"Thank you both for letting us create these beautiful works of art for you. I wish you the best!" Wilma says as I meet Tucker at the shop's entrance to settle our bill.

"My treat, Dixie." He pulls out his wallet to pay for our tattoos.

"Thank you. That's very sweet of you." I smile as he hands over his card.

"Thank you, guys! I'll be sure to leave raving reviews about your business with my peers. It was great meeting you." Tucker says, holding out his hand for me to take.

"Thanks again, Wilma." She smiles and I take Tucker's hand and exit the tattoo shop.

Stepping outside, I see the sun setting on the horizon. The beautiful image forces me to stop in my tracks as the silhouette of New York's tall buildings against it inspires me.

"Come on. There's one more place I want to take you before it gets dark out." Tucker pulls my captivated gaze.

"Okay...Wait, aren't you going to show me your tattoo?" I look over his neck, arms and visible parts of his body, searching for his tattoo.

"I want to save it for a particular moment. You can show me yours, though."

Tucker's mysterious words have my mind spinning about what his tattoo could be. However, I shouldn't be surprised. Every notion attached to this man makes me weak at the knees and I'm sure this will be no different.

A Snapshot of DixieWhere stories live. Discover now