23: An Invitation Gone Wrong

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Hearing a buzzing noise, I stir in bed and open my eyes. Squinting to adjust to the daylight filling the room, I glance around for the sound. Seeing my phone vibrating on Dixie's desk, I wiggle her out of my arms as she snuggles into the pillow.

Rushing to the table, I see it's my mother and answer the call...

"Mom, what's up?"

"Heavens to Betsy, Tucker, half the day is gone. I've tried calling you several times."

"Sorry, I had a late night. What do ya need?"

I rub my eyes and yawn, running my fingers through my tousled hair. Glancing at Dixie as her ass pokes out under my t-shirt, I lick my lips, thinking about our steamy shower session last night and again in her bed after.

Fuck, I missed being with her in that way. She's so...

"Tucker!" My momma shouts, pulling my desirable thoughts.

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I need you to attend this party tonight. You can bring Dixie along."

"What party?"

"Were you not listening to anything I said? It's for the owners of Carnegie Hall. Very formal and it would mean a lot if you could be there since we couldn't put on the show last night."

"I didn't know there was a party. Am I expected to play or what's the deal?"

"It's their opening anniversary and yes it would be nice if you played a song or two. There are a lot of famous artists that will be in attendance because the building has housed so many greats over the years. They were going to invite you after the concert. I tried calling you this morning so you had more prep time, but it seems you were busy doing other things..."

"Catching up on some much-needed sleep. I don't know, Ma. I don't think Dixie Mae will be up for a party. I don't want to get her mixed up in all that, especially since..."

"I love parties! I'd love to go!" Dixie squeaks out behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Oh, perfect! If you get on the road now you can be here by 3 PM and I'll take Dixie shopping for a dress! I'll see you, kids, soon! Love ya!"

"But Ma..."

Seeing that she hung up, I spin around and gaze at Dixie. "I don't think this is a good idea, Dixie. Especially with what we found out about Hattie and Stew. I don't know if I can face all of that just yet," I let out, recalling the conversation we had with Austin last night. Even though the news he shared was devastating, it didn't take away from the fact that I feel bad for the guy. He went back to New York and said he would finish out the tour for me, but he's done after that.

"As far as they know, we don't know anything. It'll be fine, Tucker. Besides, you know how good I am at acting appropriately at parties. It'll be fun to see you shine in your world."

"It's precisely for that reason, Dixie. I assumed you hated parties, or at least you used to," I let out, realizing that maybe I don't know Dixie as well as I thought I did. I mean, we spent three years apart. She's most definitely done a lot of growing up in that time, as I have too.

We need more time together just the two of us.

"This will be different, though. It's for you. I don't know about you, but I could use a little break from seeing the walls of this dorm room. I keep looking at Iris's things and feeling a cold chill run up my spine." Dixie shudders as I glance at her roommate's side of the room. The endless questions begin to resurface, wondering what happened to her. It's all so damn strange it hurts my brain to even think about it.

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