A dream come true.

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I was standing in line outside the Air Canada Centre it was freezing cold and beginning to snow I was shivering but I didn’t care about the weather as long as I got to see One Direction! I looked at my watch and there was still an hour to go until the doors opened. People all around me where chatting and giggling and the one girl beside me looked at me and said, “Who’s your favorite band member?” I smiled and said, “I love all of them but Niall is my most favorite!” The girl said, “Yeah me too!” we both laughed and soon enough the doors were opened and people cheered.

I slowly shuffled with the crowed until it was my turn at the gate. I handed the security guard my ticket he scanned it and the machine beeped and the security guard handed me my ticket and pointed in. I quickly walked into the Air Canada Centres lobby and looked at my ticket. 1st floor row A seat A1. I go to gate A and there is another man standing there he smiles and says, “May I please see your ticket” I hand him my ticket and he smiles and says, “Follow me I’ll take you to your seat!” He goes through the arch and down the stairs so I follow him and he leads me to my seat.

I am almost at the stage I can’t believe how close I am I can’t wait for the concert to start! People pile into the ACC and the girl I was talking to out in line came and sat beside me she smiled and said, “Hello again!” I giggle and say, “Hey there looks like we can cheer on Niall together” the girl continues to giggle and she says, “Yeah we can!” The stadium is roaring with noise people talking it was like a jet plane flying low and going full speed. The lights dimmed and the stadium got even louder as everyone screamed and clapped and cheered.

The spot lights came on the stage and a voice came out of the speakers it said “Is everyone ready for One Direction?” The crowd screamed and yelled I cheered and clapped and then the lights went off and a screen came down across the stage. Slowly spot lights came on and pointed towards the screen as they did silhouettes appeared and the screen lifted with fog coming from under it and as it rose the spot lights got brighter until it was completely gone.

I screamed when I saw Niall on stage my heart was beating 100 miles a second. The boys start singing and the stadium goes into frenzy again. Cameras flashing from every angle of the stadium girls screaming and me I can’t stay still so I jump from my chair and start dancing. The girl beside me does the same as the band sings live while were young. I sing along I know every word. The boys sang and then held the microphone out towards the crowd to sing back, “And live while were young” I’m having a blast singing and dancing so I look back at the stage and Niall looks directly at me.

A huge smile comes across my face and I blow him a kiss. Niall starts reaching for the air and pretends to catch something which makes me laugh and he then puts his hands to his lips and blows a kiss back. I scream in excitement and reach out and snatch it I put to my heart and Harry looks over at Niall and then over at me. Harry continues to sing and then the song ends. Harry says, “Hello Toronto! Are you reeeaady for an amazing show?” Everyone screams and Niall says, “Harry there defiantly ready for an amazing show!” The band started to play what makes you beautiful. I can’t believe I actually got to come to a One Direction concert it was amazing I think I’m going to hunt down Niall!

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