Chapter 2

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I wait until the stage area is clear and I look around to make sure no one is there and I walk behind the curtains. There is wiring everywhere and guitars and other cases. I put my hand along the guitar strings and they hum. I continue wandering around backstage and I can hear someone coming so I hop into an open box and close the top. The box is full of clothes and I can hear a girl’s voice she is talking to someone but I don’t dare lift the top.

The voice gets louder and all of a sudden the box shifts and it starts moving I don’t know what to do so I just stay still and don’t make any noise. I can hear the lady’s voice she says, “Take this box to the dressing room hallway and leave it by the laundry door” another voice I can hear is a male he says, “Ok no problem.” The box begins to move again and I can feel excitement coming on but I still keep quiet and don’t move. The box comes to a halt and I hear the guy whistle as he walks away so I slowly and cautiously open the top and peek out.

The hallway is empty there is no one in sight so I jump out of the box and I can see 5 doors with stars I start walking down the hallway until I come to Niall’s door. I take a deep breath and then I knock on the door. The door opens and Niall is standing there I smiled and he smiles back and says, “What are you doing back here?” I reply, “I came to see you!”

Niall smiled and moved aside and said, “Welcome to my dressing room!” I walk in and Niall closes the door behind me. I say, “Niall I love you so much I mean I love the band too but you’re my favorite” Niall blushes and says, “Aww thanks I love to meet my fans.” I stood in Niall’s dressing room and he asked me how I got past the security guards I said, “I snuck backstage when no one was around but I heard people coming so I jumped in the nearest box which was the laundry box and I ended up here!”

Niall started laughing and said, “Nice well since you’ve made it back here how about I give you a backstage pass for tomorrow so you don’t have to sneak around!” I gave Niall a hug and he handed me the backstage pass. Niall sat down at his mirror and called me over I came over and sat down on another chair beside him. He asked me how I liked the concert and I said, “It was awesome!” he smiled and said, “Well now you can experience it up close and personal!” I giggled and Niall smiled I could hear voices coming and Niall looked at me and pointed to the closet I got up and dove into the closet and Niall started laughing.

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