Chapter 6

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I knock and Harry opens the door I give him a hug and I say, “Thanks for letting me stay” he smiles and says, “No problem Kendra” I go to everyone elses room and thank them and then I go back to Niall’s room. I help him get things ready and load things into the bus. After everything is ready to go we all meet and get onto the tour bus. I can’t believe this I swear I’m dreaming but I’m not this is real. Niall yawns and we go to the bunk room and Niall climbs into his bed.

Niall says, “Come and lay down Kendra” I climb into the bed with him and snuggle in close. I wake up and look at the clock it’s 3:30 am and I sigh and lay back down. Niall wakes me up and I look at the clock again this time its 7:30 am I blink a couple times and smile when I see Niall’s face. He says, “Well Kendra how’d you sleep?” I smile and say, “I slept pretty good” Niall nodded and says, “Yeah me too.” I get out of bed and ask Niall, “Wheres the next stop?” Niall says, “New York is next on the map” I smile in excitement and say, “Awesome I’ve never been to New York” Harry, Liam, Zayn and Louis come out of the bunks and we all get ready for breakfast.

Harry looked upset so I ask him, “What’s up Harry you look like you’re upset” He looks at me and says, “No not upset I just don’t feel good.” I say, “You do look tired maybe you should go back to sleep for a while” Harry slightly smiles and walks back into the bunk room. I go over and hug Niall and I say, “Harry’s not feeling good he went back to bed” Niall looks at me and says, “Ok thanks for letting me know I’ll go and see what’s up with him.” I sit at the table and Zayn comes and sits down beside me.

I smile and say, “Good morning Zayn” he smiles back and says, “Morning Kendra.” Zayn asks me if I want anything to eat and I say, “Sure I’m getting hungry” so Zayn gets up and goes over to the fridge and pulls out eggs. Zayn grabs a pan and butters it then he sets it on the stove and turns it on. Zayn says, “Kendra how do you like your eggs?” I say, “Scrambled please and Zayn make my bacon extra crispy please” Zayn starts laughing and says, “Comin right up.” Niall is still in the room with Harry and I start to get up but Zayn says, “Kendra where you going? your food is ready!” I sit back down and Zayn brings me my plate and I smile and say, “Thanks Zayn.”

I eat my bacon and eggs and Niall finally comes out of the bunk room and he sits beside me. He smiles and says, “Harry’s fine he just needs some sleep” I smile and say, “That’s good” Niall leans in and kisses me I giggle and cuddle with him. The boys eat their food and the tour bus comes to a stop. I look out the window and we’re at the border leading to New York. I feel excitement coming on.

A security guard comes on board and checks all our passports then stamps them and gets off. The bus jerks forward and we pass over the border and we’re officially in New York I scream and jump up and down I gasp at all the buildings. Niall laughs at me and says, “Kendra you're funny” I smile and say, “Thanks but I’ve never been to New York so I’m excited” Niall smiles and says, “Well contain that excitement until our sold out show at Madison Square Garden.” I start to cry and say, “REALLY I’VE ONLY DREAMED ABOUT GOING TO MADISON SQUARE GARDEN!” Niall laughs and says, “Really Kendra you're going to be at Madison Square Garden tonight.” I faint.

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