Chapter 18

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I feed Connor then give him a bath. I dress Connor in a blue shirt and black pants. I give Connor to Niall and say, “Well babe I’m off to get my dress I’ll see you soon” Niall kisses me and I go down to the lobby and the limo is waiting. I get in and say, “To the dress shop” the driver nods and we drive away. We pull up to the dress shop and my phones goes off.

I answer it and Jessica says, “Look Kendra I’m sorry for being rude I just didn’t know how to react” I smile and say, “Its ok Jess I’m at the dress shop if you want to come down” Jessica says, “Yeah I’ll come down I’ll be there in 5” and hangs up. I sit in the limo until Jessica comes and we get out and hug. Jessica and I go into the shop and I say, “I’m here for my dress I just got a call to come.”

The lady behind the desk looked at me and says, “Ok name?” I say, “Kendra” so the lady goes into the back and comes out a moment later carrying a bag. She hands me the bag and says, “Here you go” I take the dress out and gasp at it. Jessica says, “It’s beautiful Kendra.” We go back to the limo and back to the Luxor. We get back and I bring Jessica up to our room.

Niall smiles at us and I hug Niall and Jessica goes into complete fangirl mode. Jessica can’t stand still she is pacing and finally she says, “Niall can I have a hug?” Niall laughs and says, “Sure come here” so Jessica hugs Niall and she squeals. I say, “So babe what time are we going to the show tonight?” Niall says, “Dinners at 7 and the shows at 8” Jessica gives us a funny look and says, “What show?” I say, “Niall got us tickets for Criss Angel's believe show” Jessica says, “Aww lucky you enjoy the show I’ve been told its really good.”

Connor wakes up and I make him a bottle and feed him. Jessica looks at her phone and says, “Got to get going Kendra I’ll talk to you later.” Jessica leaves and Niall says, “Want to go for a swim?” I nod and say, “Yeah I do lets go get the other guys” so Niall goes next door and asks the guys if they want to go swimming. I change into my bathing suit and I put Connor in shorts and a waterproof diaper.

We all go down to the pool deck and I get into the shallow end with Connor. Connor starts to laugh and kick the water so I put Connor all the way in and he starts splashing and laughing. Niall swims over to us and Connor splashes him and we all start laughing. The boys go into the hot tub but I stay in the pool with Connor. After we get out and go back upstairs I change back into dry clothes.

I go into the bathroom and do my makeup and hair then I get dressed up nice. Niall dresses up nice as well and we go down to the lobby and into the restaurant. The waiter at the front says, “Do you have a reservation?” Niall nods and says, “Yes we’re here for the dinner then show” the waiter asks us to see tickets so we show them and he says, “Ok follow me.”

We follow the waiter through the restaurant to an open table. We sit down and the waiter asks for drinks. I say, “I’ll have a pink soda” Niall says, “Hmm I’ll have a coca cola” the waiter nods and walks away. Niall says, “What’s a pink soda?” I say, “I don’t know the menu says its a bubble gum flavored pop” Niall says, “Oh sounds good.” The waiter brings back our drinks and I sniff the pink soda and it smells really good.

The waiter asks us what we want to eat and I say, “I’ll have the tavern style meatloaf please” and Niall says, “I’ll have the new England clam chowder.” The waiter leaves and I take a sip of my drink and the bubble gum flavor explodes in my mouth and I look at Niall and say, “You’ve got to take a sip” Niall takes a swig and says, “Wow that’s good it’s messing with my head I feel like I should be chewing” I start laughing at Niall.

An older lady comes walking by slowly and she drops her wallet I get up and pick it up I walk over to her and say, “Excuse me you dropped your wallet” she turned around and says, “Oh thanks for letting me know!” I hand her the wallet and she opens it. she pulls out money and hands me it. I look at her and say, “What’s that for?” she says, “For being such a kind young lady” I smile and give it back and say, “Thanks but I don’t need money for being nice” the older lady smiles and puts it back in her wallet and continues to walk away.

I go back to our table and the food is there I sit down and take a forkful of meat loaf and slide it into my mouth. It tastes amazing so I continue eating until its gone and Niall says, “Wow it must’ve been good you never clean your plate” I giggle and say, “It was really good babe how’s you're clam chowder?” He says, “It’s good just the way I like it.”

We finish eating and pay then we go to the lobby and to the theater. We hand our ticket to the guard and he points in. Niall and I grab out seats. We wait for the show to start and the lights dim and music rumbles as the crowd cheers and Criss comes on stage and says, “Are you ready?” the crowd cheers loudly and Criss says, “Ok here we go.”

The show goes on and then Criss says, “For this one I’m going to need a volunteer” so Criss starts looking through the crowd and he points at me and says, “You right there in the 2nd row with the blue sparkly shirt” I take a deep breath and walk up to the stage.

Criss says, “What’s your name?” I say, “Kendra is my name” Criss asks me to lay down on the table so I do and I can hear him talking to the crowd, “I’m going to make Kendra levitate.” Criss starts moving his hands up and down my body head to toe and then he starts moving his hands up and down and I start to float. He keeps moving his hands and I’m going higher.

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