Chapter 8

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The girl looks at me and hugs me and says, “That sucks I’m Abbi” I say, “I’m Kendra” I walk with the group of girls and then I say, “Where are you guys going?” Abbi says, “To the One Direction concert!” I smile and say, “Me too” Abbi says, “Awesome where you sitting?” I say, “Backstage” Abbi’s jaw drops and she says, “You're lying you're not backstage” I giggle and say, “Yes I am along with my boyfriend Niall” Abbi gives me a look and says, “You're crazy there girly Niall is not your boyfriend” I say sharply, “Yes he is don’t believe me just wait and see when the time comes” Abbi loses all expression and says, “Attitude much?” I laugh and walk away from them I run across the traffic jammed street and continue down the crowded sidewalk until I see the spotlights in the sky.

I get to Madison Square Garden and it’s so busy that you have no room to move so I push my way through the crowd to the front of the line where the security guard was and people were looking at me and I say, “I’m on the guest list” the security guard says, “Lucky you what’s your name?” I say, “Kendra M” the security guard looks through the list and opens the door for me and I walk into the lobby and race down to the stage but another security guard stops me and says, “You're not allowed back here” I look at him and say, “Yes I am I’m Niall’s girlfriend and I’m on the guest list.” The security guard laughs and says, “Yeah right I’m not letting you back here” I give him a dirty look and start yelling for Niall who comes on stage and comes flying down.

Niall says, “Brett let Kendra through she’s with me” the security guard sighs and lets me by and I jump into Niall’s arms and kiss him but I stop and say, “What was that about on the tour bus I mean I said no you didn’t have to attack him” Niall looks at the ground and says, “I know I was just mad that’s all” I smile and say, “I forgive you babe.” Niall and I go backstage and Harry looks at me and says, “How was your walk?” I roll my eyes then start laughing and say, “It was better than watching Niall and Zayn fight” Niall looks at me and says, “You walked?” I say, “Yeah while you two animals fought I got off the bus and walked” Niall looked guilty and said, “Sorry Kendra it won’t happen again.”

The boys get ready and do a soundcheck and then come backstage again and once again people start filling the stadium cheering for 1D. Niall looks at me and says, “well babe wish me luck!” I look at Niall and kiss him and whisper, “Good luck my Nially bear!” he smiles and goes on stage with the others. The crowd goes crazy and I smile to myself. The boys get through what makes you beautiful and one thing then Niall looks at me and points to the water bottles so I grab them and walk out onto the stage.

Niall says, “Give it up for my amazing girlfriend Kendra!” people cheered and I smiled and looked out into the crowd and I spotted Abbi sitting in the front row she gave me an awful look and I just kept smiling at her. I kissed Niall and went backstage again and waited for the concert to end. As the concert ended I could hear them yelling encore so of course they go back out and Niall said, “This one is dedicated to my beautiful Kendra!” the crowd cheered and they played little things.

After the encore everyone came backstage and I jumped into Niall’s arms and kissed him I said, “Thanks for that” Niall smiled and said, “Anytime babe.” The band went down to the lobby for an autograph session and I sat beside Niall. The autograph session lasted a few hours as thousands of fans came by and some girls even asked for my autograph too! We left the stadium and got back on the tour bus and that’s when Zayn came over to me and Niall and said, “Guys I’m sorry I hope you don’t hate me” Niall smiles and so do I we both say, “No hard feelings” and we all hug.

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