Chapter 9

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The bus pulls back up to our hotel and we all pile in. Me and Niall order a pizza from room service and there is a knock at the door so I open it and the bellboy hands me the pizza and says, “Enjoy” I smile and close the door I set the pizza on the table and open it and take a long deep breath. Niall says, “Mmm smells good” and comes over and grabs a piece.

I grab a piece too and take a bite after we’ve finished eating Niall corners me by the wall and leans in and starts kissing me we’re making out on the wall and Niall slides my shirt off he is feeling my body again going up my stomach and down my arms so I start feeling his chest and I slide his shirt off. We’re still against the wall as Niall undoes the strap on my bra and I take it off. Niall starts kissing my neck and working his way down he kisses my collarbones and goes down between my boobs he starts rubbing and caressing them I move my hands down further and grab him I start feeling him up and I undo his pants and they slide down.

He undoes my pants and they slide down too after that Niall tackles me to the bed and the magic begins. I lay in bed beside Niall and he looks at me and kisses my neck then says, “How was that?” I smile and say, “That was amazing I loved it so much” Niall smiles and says, “Good good I’m glad I was able to rock your world in more ways than one!” I start laughing and yawn. Niall gets out of bed and slides into his boxers and I get out of bed and get into pyjamas.

We get back in bed and cuddle together and I fall asleep in Niall’s arms. I wake up to the alarm and Niall was in the shower I got up and waited for my turn in the shower. Niall got out and came out of the bathroom with only a towel on he smiles and says, “Good morning beautiful how was your night?” I smile and say, “It was wonderful with you by my side” Niall smiles and I walk into the bathroom and close the door. I start the shower and slide out of my pyjamas and hop into the warm water.

I wash my hair and with the apple cinnamon shampoo that was provided in the bathroom. I turn off the shower hop out I wrap the towel around me and one around my head and dry my hair. I get dressed and walk out to see Niall smiling at me I hug him and he says, “Mmm you smell good Kendra” I giggle and say, “Thanks it’s the apple cinnamon shampoo” Niall leans in and kisses my neck again. Liam comes into the room and says, “Okay guys pack up we're getting ready to pull out” so me and Niall pack our bags and take them down to the tour bus. We help everyone else get their things into the bus and we all get on.

Louis sits down at the table and pulls a book from his bag. I ask Niall what the next stop is and Niall says, “Chicago is next on tour” I nod my head and sit down on the couch but I end up falling asleep. I wake up and Niall is sitting beside me and I say, “How long was I sleeping?” Niall looks at his watch and says, “It’s now 9 pm so i’d say about a good 11 hours” I yawn and say, “Wow I can’t believe how tired I am” I get up and go into the bunk room and Niall follows. I lay in Niall’s bed and he cuddles in close and I fall back asleep.

I wake up to a sharp pain in my stomach and I jump out of bed trying not to wake Niall but I was unsuccessful as I fly into the bathroom and puke. Niall’s right behind me and says, “Kendra is everything ok?” I look at him and say, “Yeah I’m just not feeling very good that’s all” Niall hugs me and we go back to bed. I sleep through the alarm and Niall wakes me up and says, “Kendra are you sure you're okay I mean you look pale and you're sleeping a lot more than usual?” I look at Niall and say, “Yes babe I’m fine don’t worry about me” he smiles and says, “Ok babe we’re just pulling up to the hotel now” I look out the window as we pull up to the Congress hotel and convention centre.

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