Chapter 10

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I smile weakly and take my time getting out of bed I join the boys when the bus stops and the door opens. We pile out of the tour bus and into the lobby of the hotel. It was the same order as last time 2 rooms with me and Niall in one and Liam, Harry, Zayn and Louis in the other. I feel another sharp pain in my stomach and bolt into the bathroom of our hotel room and Niall’s hot on my trial he holds my hair back as I puke again. I smile and thank him then we go down stairs into the convention centre where the concert is being held tonight.

The stage is huge with big red curtains we go backstage and start setting up. I say, “Niall babe I’ll be right back okay?” Niall nods and says, “Okay babe if you need me just come get me” I nod and walk away. I leave the hotel and run across the road to the store and I walk through the aisles until I come to the feminine hygene area I take a deep breath and grab a pregnancy test I swallow hard as I take it to the cashier she looks at me and rings it through she says, “That’ll be $10.50 please” I hand her the money and walk out I rush up to my room and throw it in my bag and then I go back downstairs to the convention centre.

Niall says, “Welcome back my beautiful Kendra” I giggle and hug Niall. The time comes for the concert to start and I take the water bottles out and all of a sudden I get really dizzy and I look at Niall and say, “Babe I don’t feel good” Niall says, “Ok you can go lie down” I hug Niall and walk off stage. I go back to my room and lay in bed. Niall comes up a few hours later and says, “Hey babe how you feelin?” I say, “Better than I did before” Niall smiles and says, “Me and the boys are going down to the pool want to come?” I nod and say, “Yeah I’ll be down in a bit” Niall changes into his swim suit kisses me on the cheek and leaves the room.

I open my bag and grab the test I go into the bathroom open it and I read the directions I pee on it and it says waiting and then the + symbol appears and I drop to my knees and start crying. I’m crying and all of a sudden Liam comes in and says, “Kendra is everything alright?” I quickly try to hide the test but it was too late Liam had already seen it and said, “Kendra is that what I think it is?” I look at him and nod he comes over to me and hugs me.

Liam says, “”Shh it’s ok Kendra it’s alright we’ll tell Niall together” I nod and wipe the tears from my eyes and Liam says, “Come on let’s go to the pool.” I follow Liam down to the pool and I sit on the deck while everyone swims. Niall looks at me and can clearly see something is wrong so he gets out of the pool and comes over to me and says, “Babe somethings wrong.. what is it?” I feel tears coming again so I burst into tears and Liam comes over and says, “Niall this isn’t the place for the answer right now” Niall gives Liam a funny look and I get up and walk into the hallway. The boys get out and we all go back to our rooms and Niall looks at me again and says, “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” I look at him and say, “Niall I’m pregnant.”

Niall’s face drops and he doesn’t say anything I’m just looking at him and I say, “Is something wrong?” Niall still doesn’t say anything he just looks at the floor and I start crying again and I say, “Niall answer me is everything alright?” again Niall doesn’t answer so I storm out of the hotel room and Liam comes out of the next room after me he says, “Kendra... Kendra is everything ok?” I look at Liam and run into his arms and say, “Niall won’t talk to me after I dropped the bombshell on him” Liam says, “Kendra he’s probably in shock give him a day or two to let it sink in then ask him again.”

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