Chapter 12

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We sit on the couch and Niall puts in The Hunger Games and clicks play. It was at the part where Katniss blows up the enemys food and camp and I say, “Guys pause it please” so Niall pauses it and I fly to the bathroom and puke. I can’t keep my eyes open and I pass out on the bathroom floor. I wake up on the couch and everyone is looking at me Harry says, “Kendra what’s up with you?” I look at him and say, “Nothing I’m sick that’s all” Harry suspiciously eyes me like he knows I’m lying. I look at the clock and Niall says, “2 more hours babe” I groan and fall back asleep.

Harry looks at Niall and says, “Honestly Niall what’s wrong with her?” Niall says, “She’s sick we’ve said that already” Harry eyes Niall and says, “I think she’s more than sick Niall.” I wake up to Niall sitting beside me he says, “Kendra we’re just pulling into the hotel parking lot” I look out the window and see the Hutton hotel. I got out of the bus and helped move the bags into our rooms. After we loaded back into the tour bus and headed for the War Memorial Auditorium. The bus pulls up to the big white building and we head inside.

I still feel very tired and my stomach is doing somersaults. Niall tells  me to sit down so I do and I feel bad for not helping and I start to cry. Niall asks, “Kendra what’s wrong?” I say, “I feel like dead weight I can’t do anything” Niall says, “Kendra it’s ok you’re not dead weight” I smile and walk backstage to help again. The concert starts and I bring the boys their water bottles. That concert went by fast so we packed up and went back to the hotel. I don’t eat dinner I just crawl into bed and fall asleep.

I sleep through the alarm and Niall wakes me up he says, “Come on Kendra we got to head out for another 8 hour drive to New Orleans Louisiana” I slowly get out of bed and get dressed I get onto the tour bus and lie down again. Niall wakes me up and says, “Kendra we’re here” I blink and say, “Really I don’t think I’ve ever slept this much in my life” Niall says, “I guess the pregnancy is hitting you hard” I laugh and say, “It’s not bad yet Niall.” Niall laughs and we get out and go into the New Orleans Arena and start setting up. It’s time for the concert to begin but Niall says, “Before we start I have some very important news to share..”

I come out on stage and Niall says, “This is my beautiful girlfriend Kendra and I’ll hand the microphone over to her” I take the microphone and say, “The news is.... is... I’m pregnant.” The crowd is silent and Zayn says, “Niall what the hell is your problem she’s only 18 are you ready to be a parent?” Niall looks at Zayn and says, “Yes Zayn I am” Zayn looks at Niall and says, “No Niall you're not that’s supposed to be my baby I’m in love with Kendra and I HATE YOU” Zayn tackles Niall and I run off stage crying. Liam comes over and pulls Zayn off Niall and holds him back but he gets free and tackles Niall again but Niall kicks Zayn in the stomach and then a security guard comes on stage and yells, “BREAK IT UP NOW” and grabs Zayn.

The security guard says, “EVERYONE BACKSTAGE NOW” so everyone piles backstage and the curtains close. I look at Zayn walk over to him slap him in the face and say, “You’re an idiot Zayn what the hell was that about?” Zayn looks at me then storms off. The security guard comes back and says, “Alright everyone onto the tour bus NOW the shows over” Niall went to say something but the security guard yelled, “NOW GO” so we all leave the arena and pile onto the bus. Inside a voice comes over the speakers and says, “We are very sorry to inform you that there will be no concert tonight” the crowd boo’s and girls leave the arena in tears. The tour bus pulls out and the tour is over.

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