Chapter 16

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I kiss Niall and go out and wait in the lobby for Jessica. Jessica comes in and hugs me she says, “Oh my god it’s been so long Kendra” I smile and we get into the limo that was waiting outside and I said, “To any dress shop!” the driver nods and the limo pulls away. Jessica says, “Who’s the lucky guy?” I giggle and say, “Hmm I’ll introduce you to him after.” Jessica says, “What colour dress do you plan on getting?” I say, “Purple.. I want a purple dress.”

Jessica says, “Good choice I better be invited” I giggle and say, “Yeah you're invited Jess.” The limo pulls up to the bridal store and we get out and head in. The lady behind the counter says, “Welcome ladies how can I help?” I say, “I’m looking for a wedding dress” the lady pulls out a catalogue and plops it on the desk she then says, “Look through here and if you find one you like let me know and I’ll go in the back and get it” I smile and Jessica opens the catalogue. Me and Jessica are looking through and I point to one.

Jessica says, “I like that one too” so I point to the dress and the lady says, “Dress 2335.. Good choice I’ll be right back.” The lady goes into the back and comes out with the dress and says, “Here is the dress you picked please follow me to the fitting room” we follow her and she starts measuring my height and waist. The lady writes the results down in a book and I say, “Can I get the dress in purple?” the lady nods and writes more on the paper.

The lady says, “I’ll have this done for you it should be ready in the next few days to be more specific I would say Wednesday by the latest.” I smile thank the lady and give her my information. Me and Jessica get back in the limo and I say, “Back to the Luxor” the driver nods and we pull away from the dress store. We pull up to the Luxor and get out we go up to my room and there is a bellboy babysitting Connor.

I smile and say, “Thanks for watching Connor while we were out shopping” he smiles and leaves. Jessica says, “Aww he’s so cute are you babysitting him?” I look at her and say, “No... Jess... Connor is mine” Jessica’s jaw drops and she says, “You're a mother too!” I giggle and say, “Yeah I guess so.” Jessica says, “Are you coming to the One Direction concert tonight?” I nod and say, “Yes I am” Jessica smiles and says, “Great we should meet up” I smile and say, “Yeah we should.”

Jessica leaves so I feed Connor and give him a bath. I dress Connor up in a red shirt and white pants and I giggle and say, “Now you look just like your dad” I take a picture of Connor and I send it to Niall. I put Connor in his playpen and lay down for a nap. I’m woken up by Niall coming into the room he smiles and comes over and kisses me and Connor. He shows me his phone he changed his background to the picture of Connor that I sent.

I giggle and Niall says, “I’ve got my tux picked out and ready” I smile and say, “I have my dress picked out and it’s being made” Niall says, “We have to pick out a wedding cake” I nod and say, “Jessica knows of an amazing bakery I’ll talk to her.” I call Jessica and she says, “Hey Kendra” I say, “Hey Jessica do you know any amazing bakeries for wedding cakes?” she says, “Yeah the gourmet cake factory” I smile and say, “Thanks see you tonight.”

I look at Niall and say, “I’ve got a place we just have to come up with an idea” Niall says, “Oh babe I have an idea no need to worry.” I smile and Niall picks Connor up he starts acting silly again. Niall asks Liam to babysit while we go and get a cake made so Liam says, “I’d love to watch your little bundle of joy” Niall hugs Liam and says, “Thanks mate.” Me and Niall go down to the limo and Niall says, “To the gourmet cake factory please” the driver nods and we pull away from the hotel.

We’re driving through Las Vegas and I’m looking around at all the casinos and buildings around when Niall grabs my hand and says, “I’ve got something for us to do tomorrow night” I look at him and say, “What are we going to do tomorrow night?” Niall hands me a ticket for Criss Angel’s believe show. I scream in excitement and start kissing Niall. I say, “Babe oh my gosh! I’m so excited” Niall smiles and says, “I know you would be so I bought us tickets for tomorrow nights show.”

The limo comes to a stop and we get out at the cake factory. We walk in and it smells so good it starts making me hungry. The guy behind the counter says, “Welcome how can I help you two today?” I say, “We’re looking to have a wedding cake made” the guy behind the counter leans down and brings out a cake catalogue. He says, “Have a look through this and if you see anything you like point it out” Niall and I look through the catalogue and I point to one its a 3 stacked cake with flowers all around it and blue piping all around each stacked piece of cake.

Niall says, “I like that cake too” so we point it out to the baker and he writes down the page number and the cake number then says, “Ok we’ll get baking we’ll call you when it’s ready.” Niall and I leave and we get back in the limo and Niall says, “We’ve got to plan the wedding now that everything else is ready” I giggle and say, “Yeah we got so caught up in everything else and forgot about the actual wedding!” Me and Niall go back to the Luxor and call a wedding planner.

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