Chapter 4

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I look at the clock and its 10:30 am so I go down stairs and cook myself some breakfast. I go on the computer and play games to help pass the time and finally it’s time for me to leave. I put makeup on and then walk down to the subway station grab my day pass and wait. The subway pulls up to the station and I go into the nearest car and sit down.

I get off at the College station and walk up the stairs and look around at all the buildings. I spot the Delta Chelsea and walk down the street until I come to the parking lot. I take a deep breath and walk to the doors and into the lobby. As I walk into the grand lobby I spot Niall coming out of the elevator he spots me and we both meet in the middle. Niall looks at me and says, “You look beautiful Kendra!” I smile and begin to blush and I manage to say, “Niall you look great.” Niall grabs my hand and we walk out the doors where a limo is waiting I gasp in excitement and a man opens the door for us and we get in.

I put my seatbelt on and Niall sits beside me and does the same thing. The limo pulls out of the parking lot and Niall looks over at me and grabs my hand again I smile and he says, “How was your night last night?” I giggle and say, “It was hard to sleep I was too excited for today” Niall smiles and says, “Me too I think I only got like 5 hours of sleep!” we giggle and the limo comes to a stop and Niall says, “Where here!” the man opens the door for us and we get out.

Niall says, “I hope you’re not afraid of heights!” I say, “No I’m not scared of heights!” he says, “Good because we have the CN tower all to ourselves!” I gasp in excitement I hug Niall and we walk to the doors. We go in and the lady behind the desk looks at us and smiles she says, “Welcome Mr.Horan enjoy your time today” Niall looks at her and smiles. We get into the elevator and the doors close I feel the elevator jerk upwards and I look at Niall who is smiling and staring at me. I smile back and he leans in and kisses me.

I love this we’re making out in an elevator! The elevator doors open and we walk out into the top of the tower. Niall takes me over to the glass floor and he lays on it and starts yelling like he’s falling. I start laughing and join him we grab hands and pretend we’re skydiving. After we get up and we go out to the edge walk we get strapped in and we hold hands and walk along the edge. Niall leans back and the cable tightens and I lean back too. We are hanging over the edge and Niall says, “This is a lot of fun” I smile and say, “Yes it is I’m glad you asked me out.” We get unhooked and we go back inside to the rotating dining room.

We sit and a waiter comes out and hands us menus and asks for drinks. I smile and say, “Pepsi please” Niall orders a Pepsi too and the waiter comes back with our drinks and then says, “What can I get you to eat today?” I look over the menu and say, “I’ll get the fish and chips” Niall smiles and says, “Yeah me too.” The waiter leaves and I smile and just look at Niall I’m lost in his eyes he just smiles and stares back. The waiter brings our food and sets it on the table. Niall and I eat our food and then we get ready to go and get back into the elevator.

We face each other and I put my hands in Niall’s pockets and kiss him we start making out in the elevator again. The doors open and Niall says, “Well Kendra I had a lot of fun today” I smile and say, “Yeah me too but it sucks that it’s over now” Niall smiles and says, “It’s not over yet I’m going to bring you to our rehearsal remember the backstage pass I gave you?” I gasp in excitement and say, “Thanks Niall and yes I have the backstage pass” He smiles and says, “Good now let’s go.”

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