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Criss says, “Ok I need another volunteer” so Criss picks some random guy from the audience and says, “Will you go around Kendra and feel under and around her to prove there are no wires?” so the guy walks around me moving his hands below and above.

The guy nods and says, “There’s no wires” so he goes back to his seat and Criss brings me down and the crowd claps. I shake Criss’s hand and go back to my seat. The show ends and everyone claps and cheers so me and Niall go back to the hotel room and Liam brings Connor back over.

I change into my pjs and crawl into bed. I fall asleep easily. The alarm goes off and I get up with Niall. I hop into the shower wash my hair and get out. Niall gets in and I wait for him to get out then I say, “Well babe I’m off to get all dolled up for tonight” I hug and kiss Niall and go down to the lobby. I get into the limo and say to the salon!” I call Jessica and say, “Jess I’m on my way to the salon to get ready are you going to come?” Jessica says, “You know it I’m going to be there in 10.”

I get to the salon and Jessica is waiting for me so we go in and Jessica’s friend Mallory was there and Jessica says, “Mal are you ready?” she turns around and welcomes us. I sit down in the chair and Mallory starts playing with my hair.

She gets the hair straightener out and straightens my hair. She says, “How do you want your hair?” I say, “Just a side ponytail thats all.” Mallory moves my hair and works with it then shows me in the mirror I say, “That’s nice thanks.” After Mallory gets all her makeup stuff and starts working on my face.

After an hour of sitting in the chair Mallory spins the chair around to the mirror and I gasp when I see my face. I say, “Its awesome Mal thanks so much for this” she smiles and says, “No problem and good luck tonight.”

We leave and go to the Royal Links country club to start setting up there. People were inside setting everything up so me and Jessica start helping and Jessica says, “Kendra lets go get you in your dress!” so we walk into the bathroom and Jessica says, “I’ll go get it from the coat room.”

I wait for her to come back and I get butterflies in my stomach I feel sick but Jessica comes back and I say, “I feel sick I’m scared and nervous” Jessica says, “Kendra theres nothing to be worried about it’s going to be fine” I change into my dress and Jessica gasps. She says, “Kendra you look amazing Niall is going to be super excited for this” I smile. I walk through the halls until we come to the chapel area we set up.

I go into another room and people start showing up. My stomach is like a looping roller coaster and I hear the organ start playing which is my que to go. I walk out of the room and down the aisle I see Niall with a huge grin on his face. I walk up to him and the pastor says, “Dearly beloved we are gathered here today for Niall and Kendras very special day.”

The pastor says, “Do you Niall take Kendra to be your lawfully wedded wife to love in sickness and in health until death do you part?” Niall says with a big smile. “I do” and then the pastor says, “Do you Kendra take Niall to be your lawfully wedded husband to love in sickness and in health until death do you part?” I say, “I do” and then the pastor says, “With the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife Niall you may kiss the bride.”

Niall leans in and we kiss and kiss and people cheer. After we go in to the next room for the after party. We cut our cake and eat it then we start the party. The music’s blaring and everyone is dancing me and Niall do shots and the rest of the boys join in. We all get drunk and me and Niall are making out. The parties in full swing and I pass out. I wake up in our bed at the hotel I don’t know how I got back but Niall is beside me and I look at him and say, “This is everything I’ve always wanted and I’m so happy my dream came true.”

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