Chapter 7

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I wake up in Niall’s bed he is sitting beside me and brushes the hair out of my face and says, “Kendra you're awake now” I laugh and say, “What happened?” Niall starts laughing and says, “I told you that you were going to be coming to Madison Square Garden and you got a little too excited and fainted.” I start laughing and say, “Really I didn’t realize I was that excited to be in New York.” I get out of bed and go back out to the cabin area and Zayn looks at me and says, “Kendra you're up now... are you ok?” I laugh and say, “I’m fine thanks Zayn.”

The bus comes to a stop and the doors open we are at the Empire hotel. We pile into the lobby and we get 2 rooms. Me and Niall are in one and Zayn, Harry, Liam and Louis are in the other so we get into the elevator and go to our rooms. Niall is staring at me and I smile. Niall looks at me and I say, “Niall babe what’s wrong?” Niall doesn’t say anything he just stares at me then lunges at me. I scream in excitement as he tackles me onto the bed he starts kissing me all over my face and neck I shiver in excitement and say, “Oh Niall yes” his hands start exploring my body he starts feeling my stomach and going upwards and he goes along my arms and grabs my hands.

He stops and gets off me and I say, “That was awesome hun!” Niall smiles and says, “Good just a free taste of what’s to come” I squeal in excitement and Niall smiles. There’s a knock at the door and Zayn comes in he says, “Hey guys just thought I’d let you know we’re ready to go for rehearsal” so me and Niall grab hands and we go out to the hallway where Harry and Liam were standing. We go back down to the tour bus and get on. The bus starts moving and Zayn comes over to me and says, “Kendra you're really pretty.” I smile and say, “Thanks Zayn” he looks at me with a serious face and says, “Look Kendra I want to be with you too.”

I look at the ground and say, “Oh my god Zayn I’m with Niall don’t make me choose” Zayn just looks at me and Harry comes in and says, “Is everything alright in here?” I look at him and tears roll down my face and I run into the bunk rooms. Harry looks at Zayn and says, “What was that about?” Zayn looks at the floor and says, “Nothing I just told Kendra I liked her and she told me not to make her choose” Harry says, “Dude you can’t do that” Zayn punches the table and storms into the bunk room. I come out and Liam, Harry Louis and Niall were standing there and Niall could see I was upset and asks, “Kendra what’s wrong?” I don’t want to tell him so I say, “Ask Harry I don’t want to say.”

So Niall looks at Harry and says, “Harry what am I not being told?” Harry says, “Zayn asked Kendra out but she said no.” Niall looked at me and says, “Kendra is this true?” I look at the floor and nod. Niall shakes his head and walks off into the bunk room. I hear Niall yell, “Zayn what the HELL were you thinking?” Things are getting out of control and I hear a thud come from the bunk room so I go over and Niall is on top of Zayn getting ready to punch him and I yell, “GUYS STOP IT.”

I start crying and walk out and tell the driver to stop the bus so he does and I get off. The cool air takes me by surprise because the tour bus was really warm. The tour bus pulls away and leaves me standing out in the dark cold streets of New York. I start walking down the crowded sidewalk and I can’t help it but cry. The tears just keep coming and people around me are looking at me and I just keep looking at the ground until a group of girls come up to me.

The one girl said, “Hey there what’s wrong?” I look at her and say, “Nothing... is wrong” the girl looks at me and says, “Something is obviously wrong you’re crying” I take a deep breath and say, “My boyfriend got in a fight with my friend because he likes me too and I just walked away from them.”

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