Chapter 3

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There was a knock on Niall’s door he said, “Come in!” I heard the door open and I could see people standing there the guy said, “Hey Niall laundry call!” Niall said, “Ok let me get undressed” I peeked through the slits at Niall who slid his shirt off and handed it to the guy I shuffled in the closet and then I looked back out and Niall was undoing his belt.

Niall slid his pants down and I wanted to scream and squeal like a little girl but I also didn’t want to get caught so I slid into the corner and piled clothes on top of me. Niall came over and opened the closet he grabbed a new pair of pants and a new shirt he closed the closet door and I could hear the people leave. Niall came over and opened the closet door and I came out of hiding. He said, “How was the view from in there?” I started laughing and said, “It was an ok view” Niall started laughing and said, “Did you like what you saw?” I started laughing and blushing and said, “Uh…” Niall started laughing again and said, “I know you did.”

I can’t stop giggling and Niall says, “What’s your name?” in between giggles I say, “My name is Kendra” Niall smiles and says, “Nice to meet you Kendra.” There was a knock at the door and Harry walks in. Harry looks at me and Niall smiles then says, “Harry this is Kendra” Harry smiles and says, “Hello Kendra” and comes over and hugs me. Niall comes over and separates us and says, “Ok enough of that she’s mine” Harry starts laughing and says, “Sorry bro I didn’t mean to, I didn’t know she was your girlfriend.”

I burst out laughing and say, “Harry we’re not dating I mean I like him and I wish we were but yeah” Niall started laughing and said, “I can make your dreams come true!” Harry started laughing and said, “Ok I’m outta here you two enjoy your alone time.” Harry leaves and Niall comes in real close and kisses me. I feel a spark of excitement I want to scream and squeal like a little girl but I don’t I just stay frozen in the moment. Niall says, “How was that?” I say, “That was amazing… I could get used to that!” Niall says, “Well how about tomorrow we make it official and go on our first date?” I can’t contain my excitement any longer I jump up and down and scream, “Yes Niall I will go out with you!” Niall smiles and says, “Great I’ll meet up with you tomorrow I’m at the Delta Chelsea.”

I smile and say, “Great I’ll meet you there around 12:00 pm” Niall smiles and says, “Now you better get going before you get caught!” I leave and slowly sneak down the hallway to an exit and I cautiously open the door and look around to make sure no one was there and I walk out. It’s after 9 pm when I get home and I grab a slice of pizza and wolf it down and fly upstairs. I hop into the shower I took a 30 second shower and flew out and into bed. I try my hardest to fall asleep but I can’t all that’s on my mind is Niall and our date tomorrow.

I finally fall asleep and next thing I know my alarm is going off. I roll over and hit the silence button and roll out of bed. I grab my hairbrush because my hair is going in a million different directions I fight it down until it’s all down and I plug my hair straightener in and wait for it to heat up. I straighten my hair and pick out an outfit for my date today. I pick out a green shirt and blue pants.

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