Chapter 15

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I hand Connor to Niall who hugs him and starts playing and acting silly with him. The voice comes over in Japanese than in english, “Flight 111 to Las Vegas is now boarding at gate 9” so we all grab our things and head for gate 9. We board the plane and get seats. I lift up my shirt and start feeding Connor when a girl sits down beside us and says, “Aren’t you a little young to be a mother?”

I look at her and say, “I’m 18 I’m old enough” then she says, “No you’re not you're still young” I look at her and say, “Excuse me it’s my life and I made the choice to become a mother at a young age” the girl says, “That wasn’t the best move you could’ve made.” Niall looks at her and says, “Excuse me would you just shut up and leave my wife to be alone?” the girls eyes went wide and she said, “And how old are you there?” Niall says, “I’m 19” the girl shakes her head and says, “You kids are moving way too fast with your lives.”

Niall says, “Don’t tell us what to do or else” the lady says, “Or else what?” Niall grabs the cup of ice water sitting on our tray and throws it at her she shrieks at the coldness and she yells at the top of her lungs, “YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR PEOPLE YOUNG MAN” I look at her and say, “Yeah he does just none for you.” The girl screams at me, “YOU’RE NO BETTER YOU SKANK” I hand Connor to Niall and get up I walk over to the girl and slap her across the face as hard as I can and say, “I’m not a skank you old prune” and sit back down.

The girl gets up and walks back through the curtains. The plane takes off and I start laughing. Niall does too I say, “That was fun!” I start feeling sleepy so I say, “Niall I’m going to take a nap if Connor gets hungry just wake me up” Niall nods and I drift off to sleep. Niall wakes me up and Connor is crying so I lift my shirt up and feed Connor.

I say, “How long have we been flying for?” Niall says 2 hours we still have another 2 to go until we land in Las Vegas.” I fall back asleep and then we land so Niall wakes me up. We get into the airport and then there’s a limo waiting for us. We all get into it and the limo takes us to the Luxor hotel and you and Niall get the Tower premier suite which is huge.

The room has floor to ceiling windows and amazing city view. Me and Niall setup Connor’s playpen and then I say, “I’ve got to call Jessica and get her to help me pick out a dress!” Niall says, “Who’s Jessica?” I say, “She’s my best friend that moved here in the summer” Niall smiles and says, “You do that and I’ll get the boys to help me pick my tuxedo out.”

I call Jessica and say, “Hey Jess it’s Kendra... you're not going to believe this but I’m getting married and I need help to pick out a dress” Jessica says, “Really? that’s awesome but how can I get to Toronto I have no money” I giggle and say, “I’m in Las Vegas right now so you don’t have to come I’ll meet you somewhere!” Jessica says, “Awesome where you at?” I say, “The Luxor hotel” Jessica gasps and says, “Your fiance must be rich” I start laughing and say, “Yeah he is” Jessica says, “Ok I’ll be there in 10.”

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