Chapter 5

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We walk down to the Air Canada Centre where people are already lining up but we manage to sneak by them without anyone seeing us. We go into the ACC and walk down to the stage where people were setting everything up. Niall goes up the stairs and motions for me to come too so I follow him and we go backstage and back to the dressing rooms.

Niall says “I’ve got to get ready so you can do whatever you want” I smile and sit down beside him at the mirror and say, “I’ll help you get ready” Niall starts laughing and says, “Ok go into the closet and pick out something for me to wear” I go into the closet and I’m looking through clothes and I pick out a blue shirt with black jeans and Niall comes over and says, “Good choice” and he gets undressed and I smile and he gets dressed in the clothes I picked out and I say, “You look good” Niall smiles and says, “Thanks you sure know how to pick out clothes!”

I giggle and Niall says, “it’s time for rehearsal lets go” Niall leaves the room and I follow he goes to the stage and everyone else is standing there Harry smiles and Liam, Zayn, and Louis look over at me and Niall says, “Hey guys this is Kendra she’ll be watching us rehearse” The guys say hello and they all get ready and Harry taps the microphone and says, “Testing 1...2...3 check check 1...2...3 3...2...1” Niall gives him the thumbs up and then they start playing.

Niall looks at me and says, “Still having fun?” I smile and say, “Yeah lots but I’ll be right back” I walk down the stage and back to the lobby looking for a bathroom. Niall looks at the boys and says, “Can I talk to you guys about something important?” Harry says, “Niall what is it?” Niall looks at everyone and says, “Look guys I have feelings for this girl and I want to bring her along on tour with us... is that ok?” Harry burst out laughing and so did everyone else.

Harry, Zayn, Liam and Louis nod their heads and Harry says, “If it’s what you want to do then we’re fine with it” Niall smiles and says, “Thanks guys!” I come back in and wave at Niall on my way back to the stage. Time flies and the concert starts soon so I go backstage with the boys and wait. Liam looks at me and says, “So you’re the lucky one who got the backstage pass” I giggle and say, “Yes I am the lucky one” Liam starts to laugh and I look out from the curtains and people are piling into the Air Canada Center.

I’m so lucky I get to hang out with the guys and no one else does. I can hear fans cheering for the band and Niall says, “Well we’re on so wish me luck” I lean in and kiss Niall and whisper, “Good luck.” He goes out on stage and I can feel the heat of the lights as I stand backstage and watch them play. The crowd is going crazy and I just think to myself I’m the luckiest girl in the world.

After the first song Niall comes back and grabs a water bottle for everyone and he says, “How you liking it so far?” I smile and say, “It’s just as amazing as yesterday.” Niall goes back out and gives the boys their water bottles. The show ends and I get really sad I walk with Niall back to his dressing room and he looks at me and says, “Kendra are you ok?” I look at the floor and I can feel the tears coming I look up at Niall and say, “No I didn’t want this to end but it’s over and I’m probably never going to see you again.”

I start to cry and Niall comes over and hugs me he says, “Hey hey calm down it’s not over... look Kendra I talked to the boys and they all agreed it’s ok for you to come on tour with us.” I scream and cry even harder and say, “Oh my god Niall thanks so much” he smiles and says, “You're welcome but don’t thank me thank Harry, Zayn, Liam and Louis” I hug Niall and go to Harry’s dressing room.

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