8 months later

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It’s been a while now since I’ve been with the band me and Niall are still going strong and Zayn got over his jealousy and everything went back to normal. Niall and I pack for the new tour that’s starting tomorrow. We meet with Harry, Liam, Zayn and Louis at the airport and we sit and wait for our plane to be ready. We sat in the airport for an hour then a lady’s voice echoed through the airport, “Flight 134 to Japan is now boarding at gate 3” so we grab our bags and head to gate 3.

We hand the flight attendant our tickets and get onto the plane. Niall sits down and I do too he reaches over and puts his hand on my belly and the baby kicks and Niall starts laughing. Niall says, “So we need to come up with baby names still!” I say, “I know!” Niall says, “I have a girl name, how about Cassie” I smile and say, “Yeah and for a boy I like the name Connor!” Niall smiles and says, “Ok it’s official we have baby names picked out.”

The plane took off and I said, “Tokyo Japan is the first stop on the tour wow... I can’t wait!” Niall smiles and says, “Yeah when we got the call we were all surprised!” I look at Niall and say, “I want cheese... I’m craving cheese” Niall laughs and says, “Cheese out of every food there is you're craving cheese!” I start laughing and say, “Yeah I want cheese” so Niall pushes the button above his head and a flight attendant comes over and says, “Yes how can I help you?” Niall says, “Can I get something cheesy please?” The flight attendant nods and walks away.

The flight attendant comes back with a piece of cheesecake and I smile and Niall passes it to me. I eat the cheesecake and say, “Thanks Niall” Niall smiles and says, “No problem anything for you babe” and kisses me. I smile and say, “I’m glad we got the one day trip and not the normal 2 day trip” Niall laughs and says, “Yeah 2 days on a plane would probably drive you crazy.”

I nod and I start feeling sleepy so I put my seat back and so does Niall we grab hands and I fall asleep. The plane lands at the Tokyo airport and the tour bus was waiting there for us so we get on and we head to the Tokyo Dome to set up. We’re backstage setting up and Harry says, “Kendra when are you due?” I say, “Any day now Harry” he smiles and says, “Well I can’t wait to meet the baby Niall or you” I smile and hug Harry.

The boys do their soundcheck and it’s show time. Crazed fans fill the stadium and the boys start playing. The boys start playing little things when I feel it. My water breaks and I scream at the top of my lungs. On stage Niall heard my blood curdling scream and stopped playing he looks at Harry who tilted his head to let Niall know go.

Niall races backstage and I’m on the floor in tears and Niall says, “Is everything alright?” I scream. “NO THE BABY’S COMING” Niall starts panicking and races out to the stage and says, “Is there a doctor in the audience my girlfriend just went into labor.” A man stands up and says, “I am a doctor!” Niall yells, “GET UP HERE” so he comes backstage.

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