Chapter 11

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I smile a little and say, “Yeah you’re right” I go to get  back into the room but the doors locked so I knock on the door and say, “Niall can I come in?” I hear Niall come to the door and slide something under it so I pick it up and it’s a note. I read it to myself, “Kendra I’m sorry for not saying anything but I think it’s best if I’m left alone” I burst into tears again and go next door to Liam, Zayn, Louis and Harry’s room I knock and Harry answers and I say, “Can I come in?” Harry nods and I walk in. Liam gets off the bed and comes over to me and says, “What’s wrong this time?” I hand him the note and he reads it.

He says, “It’s like I said Kendra he’s in shock just give him some space” Harry looks at us funny and says, “What’s going on?” Kendra says, “I’ll tell everyone at a later time but right now isn’t good” all the boys but Liam give a confused look and I start laughing at their facial expressions. Liam says, “I’ll be right back” and leaves the room. Liam knocks on the door and says, “Niall let me in” so the door opens and Liam walks in. Liam says, “How you taking the news?” Niall says, “How’d you know before me?” Liam says, “Because when you guys went swimming I heard Kendra crying from in here so I came to see what was wrong and she told me.”

Niall looks at the floor and says, “I don’t know what to do I mean I’m excited but what can I do?” Liam looks at Niall and says, “Tell Kendra she’s a wreck because she thinks you’re mad and hate her” Niall says, “Really... ok send her over.” Liam leaves and come back into the room and says, “Kendra Niall wants to speak with you” I leap from the bed and go into my bedroom and Niall is sitting on the bed and says, “Look Kendra I’m sorry for the way I was acting I’m just in shock that’s all I mean I’m really excited” I leap onto the bed and wrap my arms around Niall and we start kissing.

I yawn and Niall says, “It’s getting late we should get some sleep before we hit the road for Tennessee” I get off the bed and switch into pyjamas then I crawl into bed beside Niall and fall asleep. I wake up with another sharp pain in my stomach and I rush to the bathroom to puke and Niall comes in again and holds my hair back. I sit on the bathroom floor and Niall says, “It’s ok babe I’ll be here with you the whole time” I smile and we go back out to the bed.

The alarm goes off and me and Niall get up and start cleaning the room. We pack our bags and take them down to the tour bus. After we go back up and help the rest move their bags down to the bus. We pile into the bus and I smile at Niall who wraps his hands around my waist. The bus pulls away and Niall says, “Another 8 hours and we’ll be there!” I sigh and say, “8 hours.. wow that’s a long while.”

Niall says, “Guys how about we have a lazy movie day today?” I agree and so does everyone else so Niall picks out movies and says, “We’re going to vote for one of the movies I grabbed The Hunger Games, Easy A and Toy Story” I say, “Easy A!” but Liam doesn’t agree he says, “No Toy Story!” I say, “No Easy A!” me and Liam get into an argument over which movie and Harry says, “Enough girls we’re watching The Hunger Games” I start laughing and Liam does too.

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