Chapter 17

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Niall says, “I want a wedding in a mansion or a castle!” I start giggling and say, “Niall I don’t think there’s any castles around here” Niall says, “The lady on the phone says we can rent out the Royal Links golf course because it’s a castle like building” I roll my eyes and say, “If that’s what you want babe then we’ll rent it out” Niall says, “Ok sure we’ll rent it out for Friday, December 14 2012 all day.” Niall hangs up and says, “Well the weddings planned” I giggle and say, “Now it’s time for invites” so me and Niall start making invitations and handing them out to the boys and I make one for Jessica.

We go down to the theatre area of the hotel/casino and start setting up. I call Jessica and say, “When you coming to the concert?” Jessica says, “I’m already outside in line where are you?” I say, “Oh ok I’ll be right there.” I call Niall over and say, “Can I bring Jessica in?” Niall nods and I go outside and I look at the line up of people I smile at Brett who was guarding the doors and I say, “I’m getting my friend so you’ll let us back in right?” Brett says, “Yes Kendra I’ll let you girls in.”

 I walk around and I call Jessica I say, “Ok I’m out come to the front of the line” and Jessica says, “You're at the front of the line” I giggle and say, “Yes but I’m not in line just get up here” and I hang up. Jessica comes around the corner and comes over to me I say, “Hey girl let’s go!” we walk up to the doors and I say, “Brett we’re ready to go in” so Brett opens the door and we walk in.

Jessica says, “How do you know the security guard?” I giggle and say, “I have my ways girl” so we walk down into the theatre and she says, “I’m sitting in row B where are you?” I say, “Your not sitting in row B anymore come with me!” so we walk down to the stage and I say, “Are you ready Jess?” Jessica says, “Ready for what?” I lead Jessica up the stairs and I take her backstage. Jessica says, “How did you get back here?” I say, “VIP pass Jess” I say, “Come out” and Jessica looks at me funny and I say, “Jess close your eyes!” so Jessica closes her eyes and the boys come out and I say, “Ok open them.”

Jessica screams at the top of her lungs and hugs me she says, “Oh my god Kendra we get to meet One Direction!” I laugh and say, “Yes we do” so Jessica goes and gives everyone a hug. We talk and Jessica’s in heaven right now. Time flies and Jessica says, “The concerts about to start I’m going to my seat.” Jessica leaves and I stay backstage.

The concert starts and they sing what makes you beautiful. Niall says, “I’d like to dedicate this song to my lovely wife to be Kendra!” I come out on stage and they start playing little things. I start crying and hug Niall. I hear Jessica gasp and she’s in row B she is loud. I’m still hugging Niall and wiping tears from my face.

The song ends and I kiss Niall then go backstage. After the concert Jessica comes up to me and says, “I HATE YOU” I look at her and start giggling I hand her the wedding invitation and she reads it, “You're invited to come and join Niall Horan and Kendra Mcculloch on their very special day on Friday December 14 2012 at 5pm at the Royal Links country club.”

Jessica doesn’t say anything she just walks away. I don’t know how Jessica is feeling I think shes jealous. I help the boys pack everything up and me and Niall go back to our hotel room. I wake up to Niall saying, “Babe you're wanted on the phone” I get up and grab the phone, “Hello this is Kendra” a lady's voice comes back, “Hi Kendra you're dress is ready to be picked up today” I say, “Ok thanks I’ll be in to get it” and hang up.

I call Jessica and she answers with, “What do you want?” I say, “I wanted to know if you’ll come with me to get my dress it’s ready to be picked up” Jessica doesn’t hesitate and says, “No” then hangs up. I sit on the bed shocked and Niall says, “What’s wrong Kendra?” I say, “Nothing.. Jessica is just being rude” Niall says, “What’s she doing?” I say, “Yesterday she stormed off after the concert saying she hates me and today she was really rude when I asked her to come and get my dress with me” Niall says, “She’s probably jealous because she’s not marrying a famous person” I start laughing and say, “Yeah you're right she’s jealous because I’m marrying a hot famous person” Niall starts laughing and Connor wakes up.

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