Chapter 14

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He says, “We’re going to need to get your pants off” so I slide them off and the doctor looks and says, “Ok it’s coming I’m going to need you to push” I push and scream Niall says, “Good job Kendra just do as the doctor says” I nod and the doctor says, “Push again I can see the head” I scream and push again. I scream in pain as the doctor says, “Come on Kendra just a couple more pushes!” I push again and again and the doctor says, “Ok Kendra one more big push” so I take a deep breath and push my hardest which turns into another really loud scream and I hear the baby start to cry.

The doctor says, “Congratulations it’s a boy.” Niall tears up and so do I we hold hands as the doctor cleans the baby off. The doctor hands me the baby and says, “Do you have a name picked out for him” Niall says, “Yes we’re going to name him Connor.” Niall goes back out on stage and everyone looks at him he smiles and says, “It’s a boy!” the crowd cheers and Liam, Zayn, Harry and Louis congratulate Niall and then I bring the baby on stage and the crowd cheers more.

Me and Connor go backstage and the concert goes on. After the concert we go get a hotel and I ask Niall to look after Connor. I lay down in bed and fall asleep. I wake up and Niall is rocking Connor in his arms and I say, “How was Connor while I was sleeping?” Niall says, “He slept too” I smile and Niall hands me Connor. I lift my shirt up and feed Connor.

The night went by and we piled back into the tour bus and Niall says, “Guys we need to go shopping.” The tour bus pulls up to the mall and everyone but me gets out. I stay in the bus to look after Connor. Niall goes into the clothing store and heads right to the baby isle. Everyone follows him. Niall picks out clothes while Liam gets diapers, Harry grabs bottles and formula, Louis grabs a playpen and Zayn goes to get a crib. They pay and get ready to leave but Niall says, “Guys we need to make one more stop” and walks into the jewelry store.

Niall starts looking at engagement rings. He picks one. I smile when Niall comes back to the bus and Niall hands me an outfit for Connor it’s black with a tie I giggle and dress Connor. Niall looks at me then gets on one knee and says, “Kendra I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you... Kendra will you marry me?” I burst into tears and say, “Yes Niall I will marry you!" we hug and the boys congratulate us. We pull up to the airport and get everything ready then walk in and wait. Connor wakes up and he looks around at everyone with his blue eyes and starts smiling and giggling when he see’s Niall.

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