7| Turned Into A Zoroark

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Yin's POV 🌺

Ever since Nightmare left his mating mark on me during the night of the festival, strange things have started happening to me, both to my own body and mind.

The first time it started happening was when I was out in the wild at night, catching pokémon to gather information and complete the pokédex research tasks in order for me to gain more data on behalf of the professor.

It had given me the urge in wanting to kill the pokémon I was aiming to catch, every time I hid in the tall grass to avoid being spotted, and to get a higher chance in successfully catching it.

At the same time, I kept scratching my arms a little, feeling itchiness a lot there.

Then there was the weird dreams that I kept having, telling me something about becoming one.

"But, who or what am I supposed to become one with? And how am I gonna be able to do that??" I thought to myself in confusion as I looked over at Nightmare, while he was silently asleep in my arms, before petting him.

The second time another strange thing has happened to me, was when my teeth suddenly felt like they had gotten sharper and stronger, while I was in the middle of eating potato mochi with Rei and Professor Laventon.

It happened out of nowhere when both of the chopsticks I had in my mouth at that moment had snapped in half like a twig.

"What the - ?!" I went as I got them out of my mouth, after that happened.

"Never knew you were more of a hard biter, Yin." Rei says as he and the professor were shocked and surprised.

"I don't usually bite hard on chopsticks to the point where they would snap in half when I'm in the middle of eating potato mochi." I replied while I sweat dropped a little.

"Don't worry. I'm sure those were probably not in good shape anyways...I'll ask Beni to bring you a new pair." The professor says before calling Beni over and explaining what happened to the chopsticks I had.

"Unusual for that to happen. Most of the chopsticks I have are tougher than that." I heard Beni say. "But, I'll give her another pair."

"Thanks!" The professor replied before he came back and handed me a new pair of chopsticks, while the old ones were discarded.

Probably tossed in the fire, so, it doesn't go to waste.

After I was given a new pair of chopsticks, I decided to be careful when eating my food with them, since I have no idea why my teeth suddenly felt sharper and stronger.

By the time I got to my quarters, my eyes suddenly grew wide in shock when I noticed my hair and eyes had just changed color recently when I stepped in.

White and red for my hair and just red for my eye color.

"Wh-What the hell?!?!" I went as I stood in front of the mirror, seeing that my hair was also starting to grow longer, before I decided to go to bed immediately, hoping that these strange events that's happened to my body and mind so far, would just be a dream that I'm still in.

But, unfortunately.....

It wasn't a dream at all.

-  -  -

When it was around the middle of the night, I suddenly snapped awake before running out of the futon and to the front part of my quarters, while Nightmare and Luna were still asleep.

By the time I was about to leave, I suddenly letted out a pained gasp and fell to my knees, feeling my body go under a painful transformation as it was all happening at once.

First it started off with my ears, my teeth and hair next, and then the rest of my body was finished off with the transformation.

While it was happening all at once, I could only groan in pain, feeling my bones changing and adjusting, while hearing the sound of my bones cracking and popping.

When it was over, the only thing I remembered was sitting there in silence for a few seconds as soon as Nightmare and Luna were in the process of waking up, before I stood up and suddenly letted out a loud cry that could be heard through the silent village.


Nightmare's POV 🌙

Just after hearing that, while me and Luna were in the middle of waking ourselves up, we immediately became alert before looking over and seeing another pokémon in Yin's quarters.

At first, I thought me and Luna were really high on Hopo and Nanab berries or still in a dream that seems so real, until the pokémon smashed the door open and ran out on its fours.

When that happened, we immediately hurried after the pokémon once we found out Yin was missing and that pokémon turned out to be another hisuian Zoroark.

Questions lingered in my mind, wondering how in the world did it get in the village without being spotted by the security corps that were watching over the gates near Obsidian Fields and Prelude Beach.

"Wild Zoroark! There's a wild Zoroark running amok in the village!" One of the security corps yelled out when they suddenly noticed the commotion that was currently going on.

"Son of a bitch...Now, the security corps and the village is on the alert!" I thought to myself as Luna and I were still chasing after the Zoroark we first spotted in Yin's quarters.

"And I was hoping me and Luna could put a stop to this and end it quickly without diverting any attention."

"Wanda! Go get Captain Zisu and inform her about this!" I heard another security corp member say.

"Okay!" I also heard her reply before seeing her hurry off towards the training ground.

"Damn it! We gotta find a way to catch the Zoroark and put a stop to the chaos fast, Luna!" I said as I gritted my teeth a little in frustration.

"What about those Sticky Globs and Balls of mud? Maybe we can stun it with those things...I've seen Yin using them a lot when she's catching wild pokémon for her survey thing." She recommended.

"Good idea! Let's go get some from Yin's item storage!" I replied before we changed our plans and hurried back to Yin's quarters.

Just after we turned away, the Zoroark noticed that we stopped chasing after it, before it grunted and turned away from us as well, heading towards the direction where Prelude Beach is.

As we hurried and went into Yin's quarters, I opened the Item storage before grabbing the items Luna mentioned.

Once we were sure that we got enough, I closed the item storage and hurried back out with Luna, heading off to where Prelude Beach is.

"I know this'll be a bit dangerous to you, but when we get close, I want you to distract it. Do whatever you can to get their attention, while I sneak up on and stun it. Think you can do this, since you're small and fast, Luna?" I say as I looked at her.

"Yeah. But, what if it tries to attack me?" Luna replied as she looked at me in return.

"Then I'll protect you, just like how any good older brother or sister would. It'd be over my dead body if the wild Zoroark tries to reach out and kill you." I answered as I looked at her directly in the eyes, obviously showing how serious I am over this.

Nodding her head in understanding, Luna smiled a bit in response.

"Thanks, big bro." She says, making me smile a bit too.

"No problem, little sis." I replied before we focused our attention back to our current situation.

But, by the time we got to the beach, the wild Zoroark was nowhere in sight.

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